SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Directors’ Interests (continued) Percentage of Issued Capacity Share Capital Beneficial Interest (comprised John Swire & Sons Limited Trust Total No. in the class) Personal Family Interest of Shares (%) Note Ordinary Shares of £1 N.A.H. Fenwick – – 3,136,000 3,136,000 3.14 (1) M.B. Swire 2,693,550 130,000 17,293,967 20,117,517 20.12 (2) 8% Cum. Preference Shares of £1 N.A.H. Fenwick – – 2,822,400 2,822,400 3.14 (1) M.B. Swire 3,966,125 – 13,384,780 17,350,905 19.28 (2) Percentage of Voting Capacity Shares Beneficial Interest (comprised Swire Pacific Limited Trust Total No. in the class) Personal Family Interest of Shares (%) Note ‘A’ shares L.K.L. Cheng 10,000 – – 10,000 0.0011 M.B. Swire 180,000 – 301,000 481,000 0.0531 (3) ‘B’ shares M.B. Swire 390,000 – 3,024,617 3,414,617 0.1145 (3) Notes: (1) N.A.H. Fenwick was a trustee of a trust which held 3,136,000 ordinary shares and 2,822,400 preference shares in John Swire & Sons Limited included under Trust interest and did not have any beneficial interest in those shares. (2) M.B. Swire was a trustee and/or a potential beneficiary of trusts which held 5,970,631 ordinary shares and 3,172,378 preference shares in John Swire & Sons Limited and 1,225,395 ‘B’ shares in Swire Pacific Limited included under Trust interest and did not have any beneficial interest in those shares. M.B. Swire was one of the executors of a will which held 1,799,222 ‘B’ shares in Swire Pacific Limited included under Trust interest and did not have any beneficial interest in those shares. (3) All shares held by M.B. Swire under Trust interest were held by him as one of the executors of a will and he did not have any beneficial interest in those shares. Other than as stated above, no Director or Chief Executive of the Company had any interest or short position, whether beneficial or non-beneficial, in the shares or underlying shares and debentures of the Company or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO). Substantial Shareholders’ and Other Interests The register of interests in shares and short positions maintained under Section 336 of the SFO shows that at 30th June 2022 the Company had been notified of the following interests in the shares of the Company held by substantial shareholders and other persons: Percentage of Long position Number of Shares Voting Shares (%) Type of Interest (notes) Swire Pacific Limited 4,796,765,835 82.00 Beneficial owner (1) John Swire & Sons Limited 4,796,765,835 82.00 Attributable interest (2) Notes: (1) Swire Pacific Limited was interested in 4,796,765,835 shares of the Company as beneficial owner. (2) John Swire & Sons Limited and its wholly owned subsidiary John Swire & Sons (H.K.) Limited were deemed to be interested in a total of 4,796,765,835 shares of the Company, in which Swire Pacific Limited was interested, by virtue of the John Swire & Sons Limited group being interested in 57.89% of the equity of Swire Pacific Limited and controlling 66.24% of the voting rights attached to shares in Swire Pacific Limited. 74 Swire Properties Limited Interim Report 2022

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