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26. Reserves Property Cash flow Revenue Merger revaluation hedge Translation reserve reserve reserve reserve reserve Total HK$M HK$M HK$M HK$M HK$M HK$M At 1st January 2023 280,008 (1,108) 2,007 9 (2,154) 278,762 Profit for the period 2,223 – – – – 2,223 Other comprehensive income Cash flow hedges – gains recognised during the period – – – 20 – 20 – transferred to net finance charges – – – (14) – (14) – deferred tax – – – (1) – (1) Share of other comprehensive income of joint venture and associated companies – recognised during the period – – – – (485) (485) – reclassified to profit or loss on deemed disposal – – – – 228 228 Net translation differences on foreign operations recognised during the period – – – – (1,796) (1,796) Total comprehensive income for the period 2,223 – – 5 (2,053) 175 2022 second interim dividend (note 10) (3,978) – – – – (3,978) At 30th June 2023 278,253 (1,108) 2,007 14 (4,207) 274,959 Note: The Group’s revenue reserve at 30th June 2023 includes HK$1,931 million representing the declared first interim dividend for the year ending 31st December 2023 (31st December 2022: HK$3,978 million representing the second interim dividend for 2022) (note 10). 27. Non-controlling Interests The movement of non-controlling interests during the period is as follows: HK$M At 1st January 2023 3,047 Share of profit less losses for the period 41 Share of translation differences on foreign operations (51) Share of total comprehensive income for the period (10) Dividends paid and payable (46) At 30th June 2023 2,991 75

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