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Currency Profile Financial Information Reviewed by Auditors An analysis of the carrying amounts of gross borrowings by currency (after cross-currency swaps) is shown below: 30th June 2023 31st December 2022 HK$M HK$M Currency Hong Kong dollars 24,216 73% 19,740 86% United States dollars 3,505 11% 3,095 14% Renminbi 5,387 16% – – Total 33,108 100% 22,835 100% Finance Charges Financial Information Reviewed by Auditors At 30th June 2023, 60% of the Group’s gross borrowings were on a fixed rate basis and 40% were on a floating rate basis (31st December 2022: 66% and 34% respectively). Interest charged and earned was as follows: Six months ended Year ended 30th June 31st December 2023 2022 2022 HK$M HK$M HK$M Interest charged on: Bank loans and overdrafts 277 27 158 Bonds 272 319 559 Interest-bearing advances from joint venture companies 2 7 16 Lease liabilities 11 9 19 Net fair value (gains)/losses on derivative instruments Cash flow hedges – transferred from other comprehensive income (14) (4) (13) Cross-currency swaps not qualifying as hedges 1 1 1 Other financing costs 57 56 109 606 415 849 Losses on the movement in the fair value of the liability in respect of a put option in favour of the owner of a non-controlling interest 5 27 66 Capitalised on: Investment properties (219) (191) (370) Properties for sale (121) (83) (186) 271 168 359 Interest income on: Short-term deposits and bank balances (29) (66) (105) Loans to joint venture and associated companies (54) (16) (51) Others (9) (7) (16) (92) (89) (172) Net finance charges 179 79 187 49

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