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Review of Operations HK$100 Billion Commitment for new projects Investment Plan 65% COMMITTED Hong Kong Chinese Mainland Committed Residential trading Remaining target projects (including in South East Asia) 0 10 20 30 40 50 Target (HK$ Bn) HK$100 Billion Investment Plan Key Developments In March 2022, the Company announced a plan to invest In February 2024, the Group obtained the occupation HK$100 billion over ten years in development projects in permit for Six Pacific Place, it being the newest addition Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland, and in residential to Pacific Place, an office tower with an aggregate GFA of trading projects (including in South East Asia). The target approximately 223,000 square feet. At 30th June 2024, allocation is HK$30 billion to Hong Kong, HK$50 billion to the office tower was 44% let. Handover of the office floors the Chinese Mainland and HK$20 billion to residential to tenants is in progress. trading projects (including in South East Asia). At 2nd August 2024, approximately HK$65 billion of the planned As part of a mixed-use development with an approximate investments had been committed (HK$11 billion to Hong GFA of 5.7 million square feet located in Liwan district of Kong, HK$44 billion to the Chinese Mainland and HK$10 Guangzhou, the centre of the Guangzhou-Foshan billion to residential trading projects). Major committed metropolis circle, the Group is collaborating with the projects include the residential developments at Chai Guangzhou Pearl River Enterprises Group to develop the Wan Inland Lot No. 178, at 269 Queen’s Road East, at retail portion (“Julong Wan Project”) of this mixed-use 983-987A King’s Road and 16-94 Pan Hoi Street in Hong development. The site with a GFA of approximately Kong, and at Wireless Road in Bangkok, a retail-led 352,000 square feet was acquired as of 30th June 2024. mixed-use development in Xi’an, retail-led developments The GFA will increase to approximately 1,615,000 square in Sanya and Guangzhou, mixed-use developments in feet, subject to further relevant transaction agreements. Lujiazui Taikoo Yuan and the New Bund in Shanghai, Basement works are in progress. The overall development office and other commercial use developments at is planned to be completed in phases beginning from the 8 Shipyard Lane and at 1067 King’s Road in Hong Kong. first half of 2027. Prior to the first phase’s completion, Uncommitted projects include further retail-led mixed- exhibitions, events, pop-up shops and activities will be use projects in Tier-1 and emerging Tier-1 cities in the conducted to activate the area starting from late 2025. Chinese Mainland, including Beijing, with a plan to double The Group has a 50% interest in the retail portion of the our gross floor area in the Chinese Mainland, further development. expansion at Pacific Place and Taikoo Place in Hong Kong as well as further residential trading projects in Hong Kong, the Chinese Mainland, Miami and South East Asia. 20 Swire Properties Limited Interim Report 2024

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