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Chief Executive’s Statement The digital transformation of our business is essential in Looking Ahead helping us to realise our sustainability goals. We are developing and expanding our capabilities and We remain committed to driving long-term growth across developing our people with the future in mind, optimising all our core markets in Hong Kong, the Chinese Mainland processes, trialing new technologies and building a and South East Asia. Despite the current macro-economic strong digital talent pipeline. This will ensure our agility uncertainties, our business remains on a solid financial and resilience as emerging technologies become more footing and we are investing responsibly for the long prevalent in the workplace. term under our HK$100 billion investment plan. We are well placed to weather the headwinds in 2024. Our Commitment to the Community We will continue to focus on evaluating new investment opportunities and reinforcing the quality and We continue to support the needs of the wider performance of our existing property portfolios, while community through our longstanding Community realising our sustainability objectives. Ambassador Programme. Our signature annual event, I would like to acknowledge the continued support and “BOOKS FOR LOVE @ $10”, exceeded its fundraising trust of our shareholders and partners as we embark on a record this year, with more than 6,000 Community significant stage of growth in our business. I would also Ambassadors and volunteers from NGO partners like to express my appreciation for the valuable dedicating their time to make the campaign a success. contributions made by everyone in the Swire Properties Youth empowerment continues to be a significant focus team – your collective effort continues to drive all our for our community initiatives. Now in its sixth year, the achievements. Swire Properties Placemaking Academy (“SPPA”) welcomed its newest cohort this summer to begin planning the 2024 edition of our White Christmas Street Fair. We also commenced the third edition of the Hong Kong Palace Museum’s Bi-city Youth Cultural Leadership Programme in July, once again as Lead Sponsor. Through the programme, 16 outstanding university students from Tim Blackburn Hong Kong and Beijing are given the opportunity to Chief Executive participate in cross-cultural exchange and internship Hong Kong, 8th August 2024 experience to be coached into becoming cultural leaders of the future. 16 Swire Properties Limited Interim Report 2024

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