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Notes to the Condensed Interim Financial Statements 13. Investment Properties Under Completed Development Total HK$M HK$M HK$M At 1st January 2024 256,786 24,485 281,271 Translation differences (1,299) (82) (1,381) Additions 311 761 1,072 Transfer between categories 4,283 (4,283) – Net transfers (to)/from property, plant and equipment (43) 283 240 Net transfers (to)/from right-of-use assets (141) 9 (132) Net fair value losses (422) (420) (842) 259,475 20,753 280,228 Add: Initial leasing costs 168 – 168 At 30th June 2024 259,643 20,753 280,396 At 1st January 2024 (including initial leasing costs) 256,978 24,485 281,463 14. Intangible Assets Computer Goodwill Software Others Total HK$M HK$M HK$M HK$M Cost: At 1st January 2024 1,341 393 205 1,939 Translation differences (35) (1) – (36) Additions – 11 – 11 At 30th June 2024 1,306 403 205 1,914 Accumulated amortisation: At 1st January 2024 – 239 145 384 Amortisation for the period (note 7) – 25 9 34 At 30th June 2024 – 264 154 418 Net book value: At 30th June 2024 1,306 139 51 1,496 At 1st January 2024 1,341 154 60 1,555 66 Swire Properties Limited Interim Report 2024

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