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Chairman’s Statement We have made significant inroads with our growth plans Programme which continues to make a significant in South East Asia and are building a presence in four key impact by connecting staff, tenants, business partners markets, focusing on the residential sector in Jakarta, and the wider community through an extensive range of Singapore, Bangkok and Ho Chi Minh City. volunteering and fundraising initiatives. Our youth empowerment programmes are going from strength to strength. Sustainable Development and With a commitment to build sustainable communities Community Leadership through our placemaking education programme, the Our significant sustainability achievements are being Swire Properties Placemaking Academy continues to recognised in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland. In grow its alumni base. Our partnership with the Hong Kong April, Taikoo Place became the first development in Hong Palace Museum entered its third year in 2024. The Kong to obtain LEED Communities Gold Certification in successful “Bi-city Youth Cultural Leadership Programme” recognition of the portfolio’s integrated planning, green will be extended to include a learning experience to spaces and connectivity on a community level. Taikoo Chengdu, providing an even more enriching programme Hui, Guangzhou (Tower 2) – HSBC Office was awarded for young cultural talents from Hong Kong and Beijing. LEED Zero Certifications, demonstrating its accomplishment in achieving net-zero carbon emissions Conclusion by reducing carbon emissions and carbon offsets. Guided by our 1.5°C science-based targets, we continue We remain confident in the long-term prospects for our to invest in research, adopting industry-leading core markets of Hong Kong, the Chinese Mainland and technologies and initiatives to strengthen South East Asia, and our investment plan reflects this decarbonisation capabilities across our portfolios. We are confidence. Looking ahead to the next six months and also piloting an internal carbon pricing mechanism to beyond, we will continue to focus on delivering on our quantify carbon risks to our operations and reallocate investment and growth plans, and to strengthen the capital to promote low-carbon investments. Recognising resilience of our existing portfolio. We will continue to look the growing need for businesses to take actions to at how we can innovate and introduce exciting products mitigate their impact on biodiversity and nature, we have and services to enhance the performance of our been integrating biodiversity considerations into our portfolios, and to examine carefully where we can further existing operations – including the unveiling of a improve on the ESG front and accelerate the digital 70,000-square-foot green space in Taikoo Place and transformation of our business. launching relevant policies for all our developments. I would like to thank all our stakeholders for their ongoing We have also made great strides in our green financing support this year. I also wish to thank the team at Swire efforts. We recently won the Best ESG Issuer in Asia at Properties for their contribution. Their professionalism, the FinanceAsia Achievement Awards 2023 and our persistence and innovative spirit have been pivotal in green "dim sum” bonds offering has also received several driving our business forward. awards. Looking ahead, we will continue to pursue our target to have a minimum of 80% of bond and loan facilities from green financing by 2030, in alignment with the HKSAR Government’s masterplan for a green transition and carbon neutrality. Creating social impact remains a vital component of our Guy Bradley ESG priorities. Our community care initiatives include the Chairman 2,000-member-strong Community Ambassador Hong Kong, 8th August 2024 12 Swire Properties Limited Interim Report 2024

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