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Notes to the Condensed Interim Financial Statements 28. Capital Commitments 30th June 31st December 2024 2023 HK$M HK$M The Group’s outstanding capital commitments at the end of the period in respect of: Property, plant and equipment Contracted but not provided for 33 35 Authorised by Directors but not contracted for 266 245 Investment properties Contracted but not provided for 5,443 5,795 Authorised by Directors but not contracted for 12,067 12,012 17,809 18,087 The Group’s share of capital commitments of joint venture companies at the end of the period (Note) Contracted but not provided for 1,930 850 Authorised by Directors but not contracted for 9,115 6,278 11,045 7,128 Note: Of which the Group is committed to funding HK$939 million (31st December 2023: HK$797 million). At 30th June 2024, the Group was committed to inject capital of HK$1,817 million (31st December 2023: HK$275 million) into joint venture companies. 29. Contingencies Guarantees outstanding at the end of the period in respect of bank loans and other liabilities of joint venture companies totalled HK$4,062 million (31st December 2023: HK$3,996 million). Bank guarantees given in lieu of utility deposits and others totalled HK$63 million at the end of the period (31st December 2023: HK$73 million). 30. Related Party Transactions There is an agreement for services (“Services Agreement”), in respect of which John Swire & Sons (H.K.) Limited (“JS&SHK”), an intermediate holding company, provides services to various companies in the Group and under which costs are reimbursed and fees payable. In return for these services, JS&SHK receives annual fees calculated as 2.5% of the Group’s relevant consolidated profit before taxation and non-controlling interests after certain adjustments. The Services Agreement was renewed on 1st October 2022 for three years expiring on 31st December 2025. For the six months ended 30th June 2024, service fees payable amounted to HK$99 million (30th June 2023: HK$106 million). Expenses of HK$80 million (30th June 2023: HK$66 million) were reimbursed at cost; in addition, HK$59 million (30th June 2023: HK$49 million) in respect of shared administrative services was reimbursed. 74 Swire Properties Limited Interim Report 2024

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