HO‡† ‚O‡†CHI‡EE €I‡€‡D ŽŠŠ€Š Taikoo laceOne Taikoo PlaceOxford HouseTaikoo HuiTaikooHuiTowers “”’Taikoo LiTaikoo iBrickell City Centre €0€338 s0€3 s€­3€ sanlitun ‡orth and City la­aOne Island East—˜†‚—™H•˜Sanlitun­3 s…I†…I šƒ•RI‘† PCCƒ TowerBerkshire€3 0€€ s andarin Oriental• 0€8 sHouse†uanghouBEIŒI‚— Dorset House388838 s0­3 sTaikoo i anlitun ƒest 0­0 serviced €artments­30 s Brickell Cit Centre incoln House03 s hoing all­ 333­ s ­08 s E€T ˆuture „esidences Develoment 08 sThe Oosite House ˆ3000 s rTai Koo Station€­3 s o d i r r o nC r e t Two Brickell Cit Centre˜˜ s a dE n a l s I T i a n h deE aa os gRtRd noa iao hdR oSn o ku iE€T Hong ‚ongt ai TTaikooHuil Tianhe Roadn a W€­­33 shoing all­S te s et l eaShiŠai‹iao Station rn td i SsR€­3­ s oo a nHdCitlaa a … P i a ‡ i hoing all­ R i “ Taikoo i e King’s Road€0­8­8 s r Quarry Bayanlitun outh … i a ‡ i R i “ e t r s € Station ­0­ s W S e Devon House Cambridge HouseTwo Taikoo Place u n e “ 803 s8 ­ s­­ sHKRI Taikoo Hui H‚„I Taikoo HuiH‚„I Centre “† S E hoing all­ €€­0€ s  …etrorail t h S t r e €€0 s Bri’kell Station e and HNGN S t E  t The iddle House h S t r e H‚„I Centre ’ S e SH†‚—H†I„esidences W t 8 t ­­0 sino‘Ocean Taikoo i h The ilveri One Citgate‡ovotel Citgate Hong ‚ong€  3 sThe Temle House S t Sino-Ocean r e e Chengdu e t Hong ‚ong –€0 s3 8 s­­­€ s u Citygate n e “ † S hoing Centre­ i E ‡ a †allerThe ukhothai i … t Taikoo Li h h t u S €3€3 s o t €3€­ s S r The iddlehanghai e e S t  s W House Chengdu ­ t ˆuture h …etro‡o“er €€€8€ sd S a t o r Develoment dCHE‚—‘˜i R e Eighth Street as e i a o’ t ” a a R‘ l P l Station l ˆ€€0000 s g e k ’ n i i r ¢ B n a t‚ s e ‚orth ƒantau High„ayWdao TRia a tT uh ni gR oe a dW E€T iami— Three Brickell Cit Centre˜˜ Shi‡enyi RoadWest ‚an¢ing gRoad Station n u h gC n u …T e¤ i T› u nn io t a t gSS™H†‚—–˜†‚ „ith gross loor area o ™H€‡†šŽ€‡ t r e e tCitgate Outlets€3­ s ¥in’luding ’ar Šarking sŠa’es¦ ‰‰ T„o Bri’kell City Centre and Three Bri’kell City Centre „ere sold in 00¡ 8038 sis oŠerated and ‡anaged Ÿy a ¢oint “enture The oi’e to„ers are no„ ‡anaged Ÿy S„ire ProŠerties¡ „hi’h is 0ž o„ned Ÿy S„ire ProŠerties¡ £ E†ST …ia‡i „as sold in 0€¡ The hotel and ser“i’ed aŠart‡ents are still ‡anaged Ÿy S„ire Hotels¡ S„ire ProŠerties does not ha“e an West ‚an¢ing Road Station o„nershiŠ interest in the ’o‡Šound¡ ChunŽi Road Station Three Pacific PlaceThe Žer HouseOne Conrad Hong ‚ongIsland hangri‘a aciic lace  s€8 38 sPacific Place­0 sHong ‚ong T€„ TŽDIO‰ƒ arriott 83 s0 8 s  3 sHong ‚ong ­0 sINDIGO EI†HT T€„ T„EETI‡DI†O Phase TwoE€T Bei–ingO‡E I‡DI†OTaikoo Li €38 s‰BEIŒI‚—Žnder Develoment­ 3830€ s8­0 € s P€CEŠ ‹Œ„Eˆ0€ sQiantanTaikoo i Œiantan 8€3 sSH†‚—H†Ihoing Centre­ €€88  s ’‹ Henness „oad To be renamed as H ˆive Pacific Place­e n n e s s•riental SŠorts yRd o a da o oR a €3­0 sid ‹Center Station Qna ua ei e nŽ ‚otesœ s „o au yi †d‡iralty ŒuR ix Pacific PlaceStationy g —ross loor area igures are sho„n on a €00ž Ÿasis¡ n o ‰ šloor area sho„n in’luding the Žnder Develoment­Three Pacific PlacePacific PlaceP€CIˆIC P€CETwo‘dThese diagra‡s are not to s’ale and are or illustration ŠurŠoses only¡ a o tR s e I‡DI†Oi W s g n a gross loor area o re‡aining ˆ3303 sPedestrian inkhoing all­€P€„T E‡TPacific Placehoing all­ Œiangtai Station–These diagra‡s illustrate the ‡a¢or de“eloŠ‡ents o S„ire ProŠerties¡ šor details o other de“eloŠ‡ents residential units o €08€ s¡ Below †round­ €€€8 s30  s­€0 s­ ­ sŠlease reer to the S’hedule o Prin’iŠal —rouŠ ProŠerties on Šages 0 to €¡

Annual Report 2022 - Page 75 Annual Report 2022 Page 74 Page 76