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2022 HIGHLIGHTS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (SD) 2030 STRATEGY: 2022 HIGHLIGHTS PLPLPLACESAACESCES PEOPLEPEOPLEPEOPLE PARPPARARTNERSTNERSTNERS PERFORMPERFORMPERFORMANCE ENVIRANCE ENVIRANCE ENVIRONMENTONMENTONMENT PERFORMPERFORMPERFORMANCEANCEANCE ECONOMIC ECONOMIC ECONOMIC Through effective We aim to create an environment where our We aim to continue to develop long-term, mutually placemaking and long-term employees will be healthier, happier and more beneficial relationships with our business partners placekeeping, we aim to productive, to invest in our employees and to and other key parties so as to improve our continue to transform the provide rewarding career paths so as to environmental, social and economic performance. places in which we invest develop a diverse and industry-leading team. so as to create value, whilst Suppliers retaining their character, Talent Management 2025 KPI 2022 Progress supporting communities and 2025 KPI 2022 Progress 25% of products 17% of products and enhancing people’s lives. A 25% increase ~154,000 and services services purchased were 3 Impact Reporting in training hours/ training hours delivered purchased sustainable 1 4 Published our third Places employee/year 24 training hours/ shall be sustainable HK$1,477 million Impact Report for Taikoo Hui employee/year spent on sustainable Guangzhou, “The Creative ( 97%) procurement Transformation of Taikoo Occupational Health and Safety Reduce 5-year rolling Achieved a reduction Hui Guangzhou”, in average of accident of 64% in accident conjunction with South China 2025 KPI 2022 Progress 5 University of Technology. The rate in our Hong Kong rate Report uses our Places Impact Maintain Lost Time Injury Rate (“LTIR”) development projects by Framework for assessing, Non-hotel operations: Non-hotel operations: 50% measuring and reporting on <1.2 0.57 ~100% concrete used in Two Taikoo Place are the environmental, social and Hotel operations: Hotel operations: Platinum-certified under the Construction Industry economic impacts of this <2.0 1.56 Council Green Product Certification development Wellness Diversity & Inclusion Tenants First time inclusion in the 2023 Officially rolled out the Green Performance Taikoo Hui Guangzhou Bloomberg Gender-Equality Pledge (“GPP”) in HK and the Chinese Mainland obtained WELL Platinum Index (“GEI”) to deepen landlord-tenant partnerships on certification, recognising the 2025 KPI 2022 Progress sustainability and ESG development’s positive impacts Maintain a female 40.2% of the 2025 KPI 2022 Progress on human health and wellbeing representation of 50% of tenants in GPP launched with workforce are female 6 40% our office portfolios 52 tenants, which Digital Connectivity no less than sign the Green covered Two Taikoo Place and Six in the workforce 37.9% Pacific Place became the Maintain a gender 38.3% of senior Performance Pledge of tenants in our first buildings in Hong Kong balance in senior management positions to jointly improve office portfolio in to be both WiredScore and management are held by women environmental Hong Kong SmartScore Platinum certified performance Maintain gender pay Gender pay ratio 2 Recognised 76 F&B tenants in Hong Kong and ratio at 1:1 (female to male) : 1:0.92 the Chinese Mainland with Green Kitchen Awards Volunteering The Smart Reusable Cup System at Taikoo Place Our Community Ambassador Programme expanded to 10 F&B tenants, and avoided the disposal of over contributed 16,800 single-use cups since >6,100 volunteer service the programme’s launch hours, supporting 73 activities 1 Compared to the baseline year of 2016. 7 Compared to the 2019 baseline. 2 In 2022, gender pay ratio is calculated based on a non-weighed average methodology. 8 Compared to the 2018 baseline. 3 For wholly-owned investment portfolios. 9 Compared to baseline year 2016-2018. 4 Products that meet specific sustainability criteria such as green certification or accreditation by 10 The 2025 KPIs under Energy have been updated per our approved 1.5°C-aligned SBT. Energy reputable, independent third parties. Use Intensity has been renamed to “Electricity Use Intensity” in 2022 to reflect the use of 5 Using 2015-2019 (5-year average) as baseline. Accidental rate represents the number of electricity for the provision of shared services for and in the common parts of our buildings. reportable accidents per 1,000 contractor workers. It is calculated as the total number of The actual scope of this KPI remains unchanged. reportable accidents multiplied by 1,000 and then divided by average daily number of 11 Hong Kong portfolio and Chinese Mainland portfolio refer to our office and retail portfolios and contractor workers on-site. hotels in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland respectively. 6 Measured by occupied lettable floor area (“LFA”) of office portfolios at 100% basis comprising of 12 Joint venture projects and trading properties are excluded. Taikoo Place and Pacific Place in Hong Kong and Taikoo Hui Guangzhou. 13 Disclaimer: 14

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