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MENU PLACES PEOPLE PARTNERS PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE (ENVIRONMENT) (ECONOMIC) Climate-related Financial Disclosures GRI In 2015, the Financial Stability Board 102-30, 201, 305 (“FSB”)³9 established the Task Force on HKEX Climate-related Financial Disclosures Aspect A2, (“TCFD”) to develop voluntary, consistent A3, A4 KPI A3.1, A4.1 climate-related financial risk disclosures for use by companies when providing information to investors, lenders, insurers and other stakeholders. In 2017, the TCFD published a set of recommendations for voluntary climate-related financial disclosures that are consistent, comparable, reliable, clear and efficient, and which aim to provide decision-useful information to lenders, insurers and investors. We recognise the risks and opportunities presented by climate change to our business. In accordance with our Climate Change Policy, we are committed to communicating our management approaches and strategies for climate mitigation, adaptation and resilience to our stakeholders. In 2018, we started to publish climate-related financial disclosures with reference to the recommendations of the TCFD under the four core categories of Governance, Strategy, Risk Management and Metrics and Targets. In 2020, we completed the climate risk assessment for physical and transition risks and opportunities to our global portfolio. This is our fifth set of climate-related financial disclosures. They are set out in the following pages. Governance Swire Properties’ governance around climate-related risks and opportunities Addressing the actual and potential impacts of climate-related Strategy risks and opportunities related to the Company’s businesses, strategy, and financial planning Risk How we identify, assess and manage climate-related risks Management Metrics and The metrics and targets used to assess and manage relevant Targets climate-related risks and opportunities material to Swire Properties ³9 The FSB is an international body that monitors and makes recommendations about the global financial system. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 221

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