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Table of Contents 03 Chief Executive’s Message 05 About this Report 05 Profile of Swire Properties Limited 11 SD 2030 Strategy 18 SD Governance 27 Materiality 33 SD in Action: Swire Hotels 49 79 124 156 240 Places People Partners Performance Performance (Environment) (Economic) 220 Climate-related Financial Disclosures 259 2025 and 2030 Targets 261 ESG Reporting Standards and Principles 266 Summary of Green Building Certifications 268 External Charters and Memberships 271 Awards and Certifications 278 Performance Data Summary 287 Assurance Report 290 Global Reporting Initiative Content Index 299 HKEX ESG Reporting Guide Index 305 ISSB Exposure Draft IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures Content Index We welcome your feedback on our sustainable development performance and reporting. You can contact us by email at sustainabledevelopment@ or fill in the Feedback Form.

Sustainable Development Report 2022 - Page 2 Sustainable Development Report 2022 Page 1 Page 3