MENU PLACES PEPEOOPLPLEE PARTNERS PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE (ENVIRONMENT) (ECONOMIC) People 2022 Progress Employment Profile Talent Attraction Talent Management Occupational Health and Safety Diversity and Inclusion Volunteering Employee Health and Wellbeing We value our employees and work to improve their health and wellbeing through a wide variety of events and activities held both in and out of the office. These events contribute positively to employee health and wellbeing, build rapport between employees and increase the level of employee engagement. The “1 & All Sports Challenge” Swire Properties added new ideas and elements based on the number “50” to our employee sports events this year, to help celebrate our 50th anniversary. One such activity saw all employees from Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland attempt to collectively burn 5,000,000 calories during the 50 days between 1 November and 20 December. We also invited all departments to take part in a friendly competition, asking everyone to get creative and devise a sports activity that reflected both the idea of teamwork and our 50th anniversary. In addition, we set up five different exercise challenges in which individuals, teams and families were invited to compete – participants could join one or all of the challenges, and the top 10 finishers in each category won prizes. Prioritising Wellbeing and Mental Health Swire Properties cares deeply about the health and wellbeing of our employees. Throughout 2022, we demonstrated our care in various ways. The serious COVID-19 situation during the first half of 2022 meant that several staff had to endure quarantine arrangements, which was psychologically difficult. When our people were sent to quarantine centres, we ensured that they receive a care package which included food and leisure items to help them pass the time. Care packs were also distributed to all frontline staff during the worst weeks of the pandemic to provide support and show our gratitude for their professionalism. These packs included face masks, supplements and soup vouchers. June was wellness month at Swire Properties’ Hong Kong offices. To mark Global Wellness Day on 11 June, 18 fun and interactive workshops and webinars were held throughout the month of June to help staff relax and rejuvenate mentally and physically and generate inspiration on ways to lead healthier and happier lives. The activities included learning to create an aroma stone, an “art jam”, massage sessions, paper marbling, rainbow calligraphy, and other arts and crafts workshops. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 93
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