Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices PPererffoorrmmananccee da datata External initiatives, charters and memberships GRI and HKEX content index Glossary Performance data We support transparency and provide The table below presents a quantitative information and data in this report and overview of our 2022 sustainable Further reading on our website. Information about how development performance. The data in we set our reporting boundaries and our Reporting Methodology these tables identi昀椀ed with the symbol data calculation methodology is in our [R] has been independently reported on Independent Assurance Report reporting methodology. by Deloitte. Property Beverages Aviation Cathay Paci昀椀c Group Statistics Note Swire Properties Swire Coca-Cola (Note 5, 7) 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 ENVIRONMENTAL Energy Total Energy Direct energy consumption 177 190 1,244 1,340 - - Consumption Indirect energy consumption 1,071 1,058 2,036 2,159 (3) - - (thousand GJ) Total 1 1,248 1,247 3,281 3,500 - - % Change year-on-year 0.07% -6% - On-site Renewable Energy Generation (thousands kWh) 379 300 20,493 18,913 - - Emissions Greenhouse Gas Scope 1 10 11 80 87 - - Emissions from Scope 2, market-based method 156 166 229 256 - - Direct Operations Total (market-based method) 166 177 308 343 - - (thousand tonnes -6% -10% - CO e) % Change year-on-year 2 Scope 2, location-based method 186 187 278 301 (3) - - Total (location-based method) 1 196 199 358 388 - - % Change year-on-year -1% -8% - Greenhouse Gas Scope 3 4 425 3,658 2,426 (8) 2,727 Emissions Across R Swire Paci昀椀c’s % Change year-on-year -11% Value Chain (thousand tonnes CO e) 2 Total Biogenic Emissions (tonnes CO e) 33 125 0.6 0.7 - - 2 Water Total Water Water Withdrawal - Municipal 1,639 1,778 (2) 14,408 15,425 - - Withdrawal by Water Withdrawal - Groundwater - - 178 194 - - Sources (thousands 1,12 1,639 1,778 14,586 15,619 - - cbm) Total % Change year-on-year -8% -7% - Total Water Low (<20%) 13 900 1,042 8,966 9,331 - - Withdrawal by - 72 2,783 2,931 - - Medium (20-40%) Water Stress Levels High (>40%) 739 664 2,837 3,357 - - (thousands cbm) Total Water Consumption (thousands cbm) 14 - - 8,312 8,620 - - SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 87