Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview Climate Waste Water People CCoommmumuninititieses Grant Project status Partner approved (as at organisation Project name Project details Core area (HK$) 31 Dec 2022) The Pew Charitable Trusts Pew Fellows Program Award three fellowships to Marine 6,973,600 On-going in Marine Conservation mid-career experts from Hong conservation Kong, thereby increasing – “Pew Marine Fellows marine conservation science Program” capacity, contributing key information to marine policy and management, and raising public awareness of ocean conservation issues in the region. Education 220,000 On-going The Zubin Mahtani Gidumal The Zubin Foundation Support 昀椀nancially needy Foundation Limited Young Women ethnic minority female Scholarships students to receive tertiary education. The University of Hong SWIMS Coastal Science Establish the Swire Coastal Marine 5,372,000 On-going Kong, Swire Institute of Centre and Outreach Outreach Hub and expand conservation Marine Science (SWIMS) Programs SWIMS’ capacity to communicate its research and help build a sustainable marine environment for Hong Kong. The University of Hong SWIMS-FishBase/ Created standardised and Marine 1,305,507 Completed reliable data to assist the conservation Kong, Swire Institute of SeaLifeBase phase Marine Science (SWIMS) II Collaboration on development of marine- International Marine related policies and strategies. Databases Vocational Training Council The Swire Sky-Flyer Equipping VTC students with Education 5,379,000 On-going Work-integrated professional knowledge and skills for future careers, and Learning Programme providing scholarships and subsistence allowances for work placements. YAMA Foundation YAMA Foundation Enable the Foundation Education 600,000 On-going Operational Growth long term strategic growth to pioneer the accessible wellbeing movement in Hong Kong, paving the way for a healthier and more inclusive society. Christian Concern for the Relief and Support Provided a relief and support COVID-19 2,632,048 Completed Homeless Association Program for the programme via rental Underprivileged Round assistance, food coupons, 1 & Round 2 and counselling for the underprivileged, especially the homeless and people living in poor housing (Shum Shui Po and Cheung Sha Wan districts). SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 63

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