Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview Our approach ESG risk management TCTCFFDD • Swire Coca-Cola has identi昀椀ed a ‘next • We support the e昀昀orts of the Hong Metrics and generation’ Cold Drinks Equipment Kong Business Environment Council to targets promote awareness of climate change in (Vending Machines, Fridges etc.) that uses 50% less energy compared with the the business community through their Disclose the metrics used by the current equipment. Implementation of Net Zero Charter. organisation to assess climate-related this new equipment across the Chinese Describe how processes for risks and opportunities in line with its Mainland, will result an estimated identifying, assessing and managing strategy and risk management process reduction in scope 3 emissions by 2030 that equates to just over a third of the climate-related risks are integrated We measure: overall reductions required to meet its into the organisation’s overall risk • The methodology used to calculate management. the below KPIs can be found in our Science Based Target (SBT). Reporting Methodology document. • Swire Coca-Cola has committed to • Climate-related risks are identi昀椀ed sourcing 100% Renewable Energy and managed as part of our ERM • The metrics used by our operating by 2026. They are investing in solar system at both a Group and Operating companies can be found in their own company level. sustainability reports. photovoltaic (PV) systems on their sites and purchasing renewable energy from • Climate change has been identi昀椀ed electricity retailers and utilities. In 2022, as one of our top ten risks in our 21% of their total electricity use was Group risk register. Climate risk, along Further reading from renewable sources. with all other top risks, are reviewed by the Risk Forums and the Group Swire Paci昀椀c Annual Report – Risk • Swire Coca-Cola uses independent Risk Management Committee on a management third parties to assess water risk quarterly basis. for its bottling plants, so as to form source vulnerability assessments. • More details on our approach to risk management can be found in the risk Explore more The 昀椀ndings are integrated into source water protection plans and are management section of this report and ESG risk management regularly reviewed. the risk management section of the Annual Financial Report. Metric Unit of measure 2019 2020 2021 2022 Carbon emissions (scope 1 and 2) – Tonnes of CO e - 763,000 662,000 569,000 2 market-based method Carbon emissions (scope 3) Tonnes of CO e - - - 7,381,000 2 Total electricity used by the Group Million kWh 1,409 861 828 755 Total renewable electricity generated Million kWh 16.2 20.7 20.5 22.0 on our sites Total renewable electricity procured Million kWh 0 11.5 103.0 126.1 % of total electricity used by the Group, % 1.1 3.6 13.0 16.8 generated from renewable sources Proportion of Group 昀椀nancing from % - 14.6 18.1 >35 sustainable 昀椀nance Proportion of existing buildings which are % 97 97 96 96 certi昀椀ed green buildings* Proportion of projects under development which % 100 100 100 100 are certi昀椀ed green buildings* Gross rental income contributed by certi昀椀ed % >95 >98 >98 >98 green buildings* *Includes portfolios under Swire Properties only. SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 22

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