Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview Climate Waste Water People CCoommmumuninititieses Grant Project status Partner approved (as at organisation Project name Project details Core area (HK$) 31 Dec 2022) St James’ Settlement Quarryside 舍區 Create a special community Others 15,000,000 On-going hub for the Eastern District to foster a closer, vibrant, and sustainable community. The Hong Kong The Orchestra Enhance professional training Arts 8,996,000 On-going Philharmonic Society Academy for distinguished graduates Limited from HKAPA’s School of Music who will contribute their talents to serve the community. Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts The Outward Bound Trust Foundations for Provide peacebuilding Education 5,427,960 On-going of Hong Kong Limited Success leadership learning experiences for disadvantaged young people to cultivate compassionate and resilient citizens with a sense of community who will be e昀昀ective contributors to Hong Kong. The Zubin Mahtani Gidumal Supporting EM Youth Supporting scholarship Education 1,158,000 On-going Foundation Limited with Scholarship opportunities for ethnic Opportunities minorities and o昀昀ering scholarships to 昀椀nancially disadvantaged ethnic minority students. Time Auction Limited Mobilizing Volunteers Creating a digital matching Others 2,913,000 On-going For Good platform to help NGOs recruit skilled volunteers. Teach for Hong Kong TrustTomorrow 21st Placement of fellows from Education 3,094,750 On-going Foundation Limited Century Education diverse background in Fellowship high-need schools to bridge education inequity. SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 61