Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview Climate WaWassttee Water People Communities SwireTHRIVE – WASTE Turn today’s waste into tomorrow’s resource Waste generated in 2022 Group waste footprint 2022 Progress against targets Marine Services Trading & 0.0% Industrial 2.0% Aviation 8.0% Property 66,645 51.5% 2022 2030 2050 tonnes -59%* -65%* Zero waste 89,227 to 25% reduction from 2021 tonnes land昀椀ll Beverages 38.4% *For subsidiaries covered by our target As the world’s population and a昀툀uence Our approach increases, so does waste. Land昀椀lls are By reducing and recycling our waste reaching capacity. States are imposing Reduce waste we lower the cost of packaging, waste at source regulations and 昀椀nancial penalties aimed management and disposal, and potentially at curbing waste generation. There is create new revenue streams. We aim growing public awareness of recycling Promote recycling, reuse and the need for responsible disposal to turn today’s waste into a resource and recovery in order to for tomorrow and to contribute to the divert as much waste as of materials. This is particularly true for creation of a circular economy. As a Group, possible from land昀椀ll plastics. There is a need to decouple we have set a goal of sending zero waste Manage hazardous and growth from the consumption of 昀椀nite potentially hazardous resources and keep resources in the to land昀椀ll by 2050. waste in an appropriate, loop for longer. Doing so will help Our Waste Management Policy sets out responsible and address challenges like climate change, the Group’s approach to managing and transparent manner biodiversity loss, and pollution. reducing waste across its operations. This is what we do: Reduce the impact of our beverage packaging Further reading Waste Management Policy Explore opportunities to contribute to the circular economy SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 33

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