Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Performance data External initiatives, charters and memberships GGRRI aI annd Hd HKKEEX cX coonntteennt it innddeexx Glossary GRI Standards GRI Ref. Description HKEX ESG Description Report Section Remarks Topic Speci昀椀c Guide Ref. Standard Environmental GRI 302: 3-3 Management of General Policies on the e昀케cient use of SwireTHRIVE – Swire Paci昀椀c Sustainable Energy 2016 material topic Disclosure resources, including energy, water Climate Development Policy and A2, A3 and other raw materials. related policies. Policies on minimising the It is not considered that any individual laws issuer’s signi昀椀cant impact on the environment and natural or regulations have a resources. signi昀椀cant impact on the Swire Paci昀椀c Group. 302-1 Energy KPI A2.1 Direct and/or indirect energy Appendices – Swire Paci昀椀c consumption consumption by type (e.g. Performance data Annual Report within the electricity, gas or oil) in total (kWh 2022 – Sustainable SwireTHRIVE – organisation in ’000s) and intensity (e.g. per Climate Development Review unit of production volume, per facility). 302-4 Reduction KPI A2.3 Description of energy use of energy e昀케ciency target(s) set and steps consumption taken to achieve them. GRI 303: Water 3-3 Management of General Policies on the e昀케cient use of SwireTHRIVE – Swire Paci昀椀c Sustainable and E昀툀uents material topic Disclosure resources, including energy, water Water Development Policy and 2018 A2, A3 and other raw materials. related policies Policies on minimising the It is not considered that any individual laws issuer’s signi昀椀cant impact on the environment and natural or regulations have a resources. signi昀椀cant impact on the Swire Paci昀椀c Group. 303-1 Interactions with KPI A2.4 Description of whether there is SwireTHRIVE – water as a shared any issue in sourcing water that is Water resource 昀椀t for purpose, water e昀케ciency target(s) set and steps taken to achieve them. KPI A3.1 Description of the signi昀椀cant impacts of activities on the environment and natural resources and the actions taken to manage them. 303-2 Management of SwireTHRIVE – water discharge- Water related impacts 303-3 Water withdrawal KPI A2.2 Water consumption in total Appendices – Swire Paci昀椀c and intensity (e.g. per unit of Performance data Annual Report production volume, per facility). 2022 – Sustainable SwireTHRIVE – Water Development Review 303-5 Water Appendices – consumption Performance data SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 106