Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview Governance SupSupppllyy chai chainn Talent management Customers Biodiversity OTHER ESG DISCLOSURES Supply chain Responsible supply chain management Sustainable Procurement Policy Our supply chain by division is critical to mitigating 昀椀nancial risk, Our Sustainable Procurement Policy maintaining business continuity, and references the sustainable procurement protecting our reputation. It is integral guidance in ISO 20400:2017. It requires to protecting and empowering workers our operating companies to establish a Property in our supply chain and helping to ensure process to identify potential sustainability the sustainable availability of natural risks in their supply chains and develop resources. a segmented approach to managing Swire Properties’ principal suppliers We source from thousands of suppliers in suppliers based on those risks. perform or assist in the planning, countries across the globe. They provide Under the policy our operating companies design, construction, marketing, sale, goods and services including aircraft parts, leasing, management, maintenance and should integrate the SwireTHRIVE demolition of properties fuel, food products, packaging materials, principles and other material sustainability cleaning services, o昀케ce supplies, and considerations into supplier selection uniforms. and retention. Preference should be We advocate inclusive, ethical and given to suppliers that have ISO-certi昀椀ed Beverages sustainable procurement practices. We management systems in place, and that aim to source all key materials responsibly can signi昀椀cantly contribute to helping and sustainably, in a way that does not the company achieve its sustainable development objectives. Preference Supplies obtained directly from TCCC degrade nature and ensures that the include juices, concentrates and other people who produce them are treated should be given to products which do ingredients, fountain packaging and with dignity and respect. This is what not adversely a昀昀ect the environment advertising materials. Goods which TCCC our investors, those with whom we do and that can help us reduce our authorises third parties to supply include business, and the communities in which environmental impact. packaging, speciality merchandise, sales we operate expect. Consumers are and marketing equipment, sweeteners Supplier Code of Conduct and carbon dioxide demanding responsible products and looking for supply chain transparency. Our Supplier Code of Conduct (SCoC) sets out the Group’s requirements for responsible sourcing. It applies to all Our approach suppliers and contractors of all Group Aviation subsidiaries, associated, and joint venture We do not have a central procurement companies. Suppliers are expected to function. Each operating company is cascade the SCoC’s requirements to their Principal suppliers are manufacturers responsible for its own procurement. own suppliers such that they apply to of aircraft and engine components However, we have policies and guidelines multiple tiers in our supply chain. and suppliers of fuel and engineering that set out the Group’s expectations of services suppliers. The SCoC is based on the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration All sta昀昀 involved in making procurement on Fundamental Principles and Rights at decisions must adhere to the Swire Work and the Ethical Trading Initiative Trading & Paci昀椀c Sustainable Procurement Policy (ETI) Base Code. It requires regulatory Industrial in conjunction with the respective compliance, prohibits forced or child procurement policies of each operating labour, and sets out our expectations on company, the Swire Paci昀椀c Supplier Code health and safety, environmental issues, The principal suppliers of footwear of Conduct, and the Swire Paci昀椀c Human compensation and working hours, human and apparel to Swire Resources and Rights Policy. rights, subcontractor management, and of vehicles to Taikoo Motors are ethics and reporting. international brand-owning companies, with their own sustainability policies and standards. Taikoo Sugar’s principal suppliers are sugar re昀椀neries which commit to criteria outlined in its supplier code of conduct SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 79

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