Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview Climate Waste Water PPeeoploplee Communities Diversity and inclusion Our approach Policies Diversity and inclusion are key to To drive forward our diversity and We have several inclusive policies in cultivating a resilient business and inclusion agenda, we have a strategic place such as the Flexible Working community. The last few years have framework translating our commitment Policy and Parental Leave Policy. Since taught us the importance of community to diversity and inclusion into action. implementing them, we are gathering This framework includes three goals, 昀椀ve feedback from employees to understand coming together amidst a di昀케cult time. focus areas, and six pillars that cover how whether the policies have been successful This means embracing diversity and we engage our employees, attract and and learn what else we can do to create fostering inclusion by re昀氀ecting on current manage talent, build an inclusive culture, more inclusivity. We also updated and practices and listening to our people. measure success and share our story republished the Human Rights Policy, Focus groups and group-wide surveys externally. Flexible Working Policy, and DISC Terms have been conducted to provide a safe The Swire Diversity and Inclusion Steering of Reference to better re昀氀ect our and con昀椀dential space for our people to commitment and D&I priorities. share their thoughts. We are measuring Committee (DISC) provides guidelines about diversity and inclusion to the the e昀昀ectiveness of inclusive policies such as the Flexible Working Policy. We Group and formulates policies designed Further reading are also benchmarking our progress to promote a diverse workforce and an against market best practice to see inclusive working environment for all Responsibilities of how we can improve. At the same time, Group employees. It is jointly chaired by the Swire Paci昀椀c DISC various engagement campaigns focusing the Finance Director of Swire Properties Group Diversity and Inclusion and the Sta昀昀 Director of John Swire & on di昀昀erent diversity areas are helping Policy to educate and broaden perspectives. Sons (H.K.) Limited. The Group Head of Through these initiatives, we are fostering Diversity and Inclusion, who reports to the Board Diversity Policy a supportive and inclusive environment Sta昀昀 Director, leads a team that supports where people are a priority. the work of the DISC. Respect in the Workplace Policy Flexible Working Policy Human Rights Policy Our 昀椀ve focus areas of diversity Gender Our goals 1. Build a diverse and inclusive workplace environment Sexual 2. Be recognised and ranked as a diversity Age orientation and inclusion leader in the areas where we operate 3. Use our in昀氀uence to promote diversity and inclusion in our supply chain Disability Ethnicity SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 45

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