Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview Climate Waste Water PPeeoploplee Communities Our strategy – in actions Case study Gender We pledge to narrow the gender gap at all levels and to ensure that gender barriers and biases are eliminated Gender inclusion is a key focus of the how women in technology and leadership Swire Group. To ensure that gender are creating a more gender equal future. barriers and biases are eliminated, we We also recognised International Men’s need to 昀椀rst raise awareness and build Day in November through various understanding of prevalent gender communications and events. Our e昀昀orts and actions in furthering issues and bias within the community. But raising awareness is not enough. the gender inclusion agenda have been The theme for International Women’s Commitment requires further action. recognised externally by publications Day 2022 was #BreakTheBias. Across Swire Properties partnered with the such as the Bloomberg Gender the company, operating companies women’s programme, Be Pink, to open a Equality Index. Out of 484 companies celebrated this day on 8 March and pop-up store in Shanghai for women to in 45 countries and regions, Swire explored the di昀昀erent types of bias meet, exchange knowledge, and build Paci昀椀c, Swire Properties, and Cathay that may inhibit the progress of community. Cathay Paci昀椀c published a Paci昀椀c were among only 昀椀ve Hong women in the workplace. In April, we Menopause & Menstruation guideline for Kong listed companies to be included partnered with She Loves Tech, the in the index. world’s largest start-up competition their sta昀昀 to raise awareness and provide for women and technology for an suggested practices to accommodate innovation workshop that showcased when appropriate. Case study Age We pledge to create an age-neutral and multi-generational workplace To create an age-neutral workplace, we young talents to deliver change Age need to 昀椀rst address misconceptions by connecting directly with the around age, particularly around company’s Executive Committee. retirement. Swire Resources o昀昀ers an Hong Kong Aero Engine Services ongoing programme that looks to re- Limited (HAESL) launched a Young employ employees after retirement age, and Mature Masterclass programme, allowing retired employees to continue o昀昀ering a series of workshops for all to contribute skills and knowledge to employees to learn new skills. In July, the company. Swire Paci昀椀c organised a virtual age To build a multi-generational workplace, inclusion workshop where participants we need to create opportunities for discovered and applied their sense of purpose, values, and, meaning di昀昀erent generations to connect and to connect more deeply with their learn from each other. Swire Properties colleagues, regardless of age. launched their Next Gen Committee, NextCom, leveraging and empowering SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 47