Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices PPererffoorrmmananccee da datata External initiatives, charters and memberships GRI and HKEX content index Glossary Property Beverages Aviation Cathay Paci昀椀c Group Statistics Note Swire Properties Swire Coca-Cola (Note 5, 7) 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 ENVIRONMENTAL Waste Total Waste by Hazardous Waste Type and Disposal Disposed 1 0 121 228 - - Method 9 11 106 5,243 - - Recycled (tonnes) 1 10 11 227 5,471 - - Total Hazardous Waste Generated Non-hazardous Waste 22,390 32,167 2,413 3,613 - - Disposed 11,269 12,311 18,233 21,272 - - Recycled 18 62 0 0 - - Reused 644 613 4,751 4,718 - - Recovered 1 34,321 45,153 25,397 29,603 - - Total Non-hazardous Waste Generated Total Non-hazardous Waste Diverted 1 11,931 12,986 22,984 25,990 - - Total Waste Generated 1 34,331 45,164 25,624 35,074 - - % Change year-on-year -24% -27% - - Waste Diversion Rate 35% 29% 90% 88% - - HEALTH & SAFETY Thousand hours worked 13,281 12,980 77,646 74,405 - - Total lost time injuries 58 62 151 200 - - Lost time injury rate (LTIR) 0.87 0.96 0.39 0.54 - - % Change year-on-year (LTIR) -9% -28% - - Lost days due to injuries 2,087 2,327 6,274 8,365 - - Lost day rate (LDR) 31.43 35.86 16.16 22.49 - - % Change year-on-year (LDR) -12% -28% - - Total fatalities (employee) 0 0 0 0 - - Total fatalities (contractor) 0 1 1 1 - - PEOPLE Sta昀昀 (Including all employment types) Total 6,407 6,202 34,380 32,382 - - Employees who are on Permanent Terms (%) 93% 92% 99% 99% - - Permanent employees who work Full-time (%) 98% 99% 100% 100% - - By gender (%) Male 60% 59% 71% 72% - - Female 40% 41% 29% 28% - - By age group (%) Under 30 years old 21% 23% 18% 19% - - 30 to 50 years old 57% 57% 70% 70% - - Over 50 years old 21% 21% 12% 11% - - By region (%) Hong Kong & Macau 48% 50% 4% 4% - - 47% 45% 71% 71% - - Chinese mainland 0% 0% 3% 3% - - Taiwan USA 5% 5% 22% 22% - - Others 0% 0% 0% 0% - - SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 89