Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview Governance Supply chain Talent management Customers BBiioodidivveerrsisittyy OTHER ESG DISCLOSURES Biodiversity Biodiversity loss is among the top global catering services provided or managed by risks. It is viewed as one of the fastest Our approach the company. deteriorating risks over the next decade. Our Sustainable Food Policy guides how Global wildlife populations are declining Our commitments are in the Group’s at pace, and without intervention, this is Biodiversity Policy. We expect our the Group sources, produces, sells, o昀昀ers, projected to continue. businesses to identify biodiversity issues and consumes food products to support relevant to their facilities, operations, the sustainable use of natural resources, To address the ongoing loss of terrestrial and value chains, and to minimise to avoid contributing to climate change, and marine biodiversity, 188 governments adverse impacts. and to protect biodiversity. Under the have agreed a new set of international policy, unsustainable food items (such as We are developing an impact and goals for biodiversity. A key goal, ‘30 shark 昀椀n, blue昀椀n tuna, and black moss) dependency tool for use with our by 30’, aims to achieve the e昀昀ective should not be served at our own events, in conservation and management of at least operating companies to capture our our canteens, or to customers. The policy 30% of the world’s lands, inland waters, ecological relationships and inform is in line with the WWF Seafood Guide and coastal areas, and oceans by 2030. decision making. As a 昀椀rst step in the Convention on the International Trade populating the tool, we conducted a high- in Endangered Species of Wildlife Fauna The ecosystem services that biodiversity level industry risk assessment using third- provides, including crop pollination, and Flora (CITES). The policy encourages party software. Going forward, we will be procurement of sustainable food items water puri昀椀cation, carbon sequestration, conducting a site-level assessment using certi昀椀ed by reputable bodies (the Marine and 昀氀ood protection, are estimated to the Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Stewardship Council and the Aquaculture be worth up to USD140 trillion per year. Companies will be expected to monitor, Tool (IBAT) and incorporating biodiversity Stewardship Council) and of seafood into our scenario analysis. recommended by WWF Seafood Guide. assess, and disclose the impact on biodiversity of their operations, supply The executive management of each To support our businesses as they pursue chains, and portfolios. company in which Swire Paci昀椀c has a net zero emissions, we are developing controlling interest will pay due regard Biodiversity is an important consideration carbon o昀昀set guidelines that prioritise the to sustainability considerations in food for the Group. Aspects of ecosystem purchase of veri昀椀ed high-quality carbon items that are produced, prepared, and protection are covered by our Group o昀昀sets that o昀昀er co-bene昀椀ts such as purchased by the company, and consumed protecting or enhancing biodiversity in priorities – nature-based solutions at company functions, or served by addition to neutralising emissions. to sequester carbon (see Climate), watershed protection and replenishment (see Water), sustainable procurement (see Supply Chain), and support for marine conservation (see Communities). Where biodiversity is a material issue, our businesses have developed approaches relevant for what they do and where they are. Further reading Biodiversity Policy Sustainable Food Policy SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 85