Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview OOuurr appr approaoacchh ESG risk management TCFD Sustainability governance structure external stakeholders. The Group Head of Group departments convene committees The management of risks and the Sustainability briefs the Board and Division and working groups comprising subject implementation of ESG policies are Heads twice a year on sustainability matter experts from our operating subject to scrutiny by our internal audit matters. The Board ultimately reviews companies to exchange information on department, with support from specialist and approves the Group’s sustainable best practices, with a view to developing external consultants where necessary. development related targets. speci昀椀c policy recommendations, The SDO coordinates the SGEC and 昀椀ve Responsibility for achieving sustainability improving e昀케ciency, tracking progress against targets, and managing risks. working groups responsible for de昀椀ning objectives and implementing SwireTHRIVE Formal committees relevant to our climate, waste, water and sustainable and our ESG policies on a day-to-day basis SwireTHRIVE include the Swire Group supply chain approaches and our response is delegated to division management, to the Task Force on Climate-related with oversight from specialist Group Environment Committee (SGEC) and the Financial Disclosures (TCFD). departments. The Sustainable Health and Safety Committee (both of which are overseen by the GRMC), and the Swire Paci昀椀c has established a three lines Development O昀케ce (SDO), the Group Risk Diversity & Inclusion Steering Committee of defence risk governance model. The Management and Diversity & Inclusion GRMC is supported by four risk forums and departments, and the Group Head of (which reports directly to the Chairman). Philanthropy are jointly responsible for The SDO, led by the Group Head of a separate Swire Paci昀椀c Risk Management SwireTHRIVE. Each operating company Sustainability, advises senior management Committee, which identi昀椀es risks that has adopted an appropriate organisational of key developments and emerging risks have a group dimension. structure to manage its most material related to sustainable development. sustainability issues and to monitor and It is responsible for setting group report on its performance. The SDO is environmental policies and targets, Explore more required to provide the Board of Directors monitoring the implementation of ESG risk management with quarterly reports on performance SwireTHRIVE and our ESG policies, and against sustainability targets and key internal and external reporting on ESG initiatives to drive progress. matters. The SDO reports monthly to an Executive Director of Swire Paci昀椀c. SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 10