Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview Chairman’s statement FFrroomm o ourur De Deptpt.. H Headeadss Health and safety is a top priority for us We have placed particular focus on as we strive towards our aspirational goal introducing technology to help enhance of achieving zero harm. This objective our safety capabilities and culture. This underpins our approach to safety includes the use of AI and wearable management. technology. Our commitment to protecting the We recognise the importance of ensuring health of our stakeholders has remained contractor safety. This is re昀氀ected in steadfast, so we adapted by introducing monitoring and reporting on contractor e昀昀ective mitigations while the business safety programmes as we continue to was a昀昀ected by COVID-19. We have adopt a more holistic and integrated worked hard to keep the company and approach to our safety strategy. all with whom we do business safe and As we look forward, we are committed healthy. These e昀昀orts have strengthened to continuously improving safety training our business resilience and resulted in an throughout the company since we believe Wai Ching Cheung increased focus on sta昀昀 wellbeing. this is a fundamental component to Chief Risk O昀케cer Our risk governance includes a risk building a sustainable safety culture. forum which oversees both human Our strong commitment to health and resources and health and safety. This safety forms a key part of our employee has helped us to identify emerging risk proposition and bene昀椀ts all of our issues and opportunities in these two stakeholders. interrelated areas. With social distancing measures eased Internally, we continued to engage towards the end of 2022, the fast onset our sta昀昀 to our NGO partners through 昀椀fth wave of COVID-19 at the start of the various activities, such as Lunch & Learns, year seems to be a distant memory. During as well as new mentorship programme that challenging time, Swire Trust swiftly for underprivileged youth. Over 1,000 injected an additional HK$15.5 million colleagues participated in 54 community through its TrustTomorrow initiative. This activities to lend their support. It is by funding provided essential services that joining e昀昀orts within and outside of the vulnerable groups have been unable to group that we will be able to create a access, helping them retain a level of well- better society together. being in these challenging times. As our ongoing TrustTomorrow projects gain momentum, it is a delight to see them starting to bear fruit. To date, over Tina Chan HK$124 million has been distributed to Group Head of Philanthropy over 100 partner organisations to allow them to create impact in the areas of Education, Marine Conservation, the Arts, as well as pandemic relief. SSSWIWIWIRRREEE P P PAAACCCIIIFFFICICIC ——— SSSUUUSSSTTTAAAIIINNNAAABLEBLEBLE D D DEEEVVVEEELLLOOOPPPMMMEEENTNTNT R R REEEPPPOOORTRTRT 222000222222 ——— 5 5 5