Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview Climate Waste Water People CCoommmumuninititieses Grant Project status Partner approved (as at organisation Project name Project details Core area (HK$) 31 Dec 2022) Choi Suk Ling (Consultant) Taikoo Primary School - Created a culture of reading Education 1,338,000 Completed Build Reading Culture in schools and at home to promote mental and emotional development, imagination, and language skills in children and their relationships with parents. Bring Me A Book Hong 767,515 On-going Kong Limited Hong Kong Teacher- Teacher-Librarian capacity 379,400 Completed Librarians’ Association building and to upgrade the School Library as a Learning Resource Centre. Habitat For Humanity Hong Project Home Works Provide home improvements Education 1,494,000 On-going Kong Limited for children from 65 vulnerable families, to provide a decent living and study environment. Hong Kong Dignity Refugee - HKDI Foster students’ sense of Education 600,000 On-going Institute Interdisciplinary social responsibility and global citizenship through hands- Experiential Learning Program on experiences in tackling humanitarian issues faced by vulnerable populations in Hong Kong. HandsOn Hong Kong Swire Volunteer Matched Swire volunteers to Others 135,550 Completed Limited matching Program NGOs. Hong Kong Maritime Swire Marine Discovery Build the Swire Marine Marine 15,000,000 On-going conservation Museum Limited Centre (capital works) Discovery Centre (Capital and Marine Science extension project) and a Marine Science Learning Learning Programme Programme to provide an accessible learning platform to raise public awareness on marine conservation. InspiringHK Sports IHKSports Coaching for Support the set up of a Education 1,492,000 On-going Foundation Limited Youth Academy: Sports centralised digital platform for Development “CoachConnect” where Connection & Action quali昀椀ed sport coaches and parents/schoolteachers can connect and develop children and youths through organised sports activities. SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 59

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