// 19 // 1892 1950 // 1950 // ̸ɪ 㕐 ˰ߏʘۃٙ˄̚ጟᅀd຅ࣛ˄̚୵෰ᒔ͊ ̛ɪ 㕐ጟᅀၾݡݖʆމቌd˄̚һϘ׵ ϋکܔ ኷ܝ ϋ˾dጟᅀձ୵෰ܨూ༶Ъfִ݁ɰࠠอ ̸ 㕐 ϋ˾ٙ˄̚୵෰྇͜ᅰɷࡰʈdਜʫৰʈᅀ ̛ɪ 㕐኷ࣛಀ຾աᚖގٙ୵෰dί኷ܝࠠܔf 1923 Image©Swire Archives ጳܔdШጟᅀɰϞІʉٙᇁ᎘d˙کආɹࡡҿࣘʿ̈ ிə͉ಥୋɓࢭ೮ʆΞԓd˙کࡰʈֻԸʆɪ੖ٸf ઼ਗ̏ԉٙ෬ऎ೯࢝dৰəਗ਼̏ԉண֛މʈุਜd୵ ʘ̮dᒔࡒ௪΢ᅵ͛ݺண݄dޟЇϘί ϋί࠰ಥ €  Image©Swire Archives Image©Swire Archives ɹႡϓۜf€  €  ෰˸؇ٙГᝄئ͵ක֐೯࢝fίГᝄئձ୵෰ʘගd ִ݁ᒔ͊પБ່ਕ઺ԃʘۃdʊϞމࡰʈɿҔϾணٙ Image©Swire Archives // 1960 Image©Swire ̙˸ԈՑ຅ࣛ˄̚މࡰʈϾணٙದآϫʿଢఙdྡ е൬ʃኪ€˄̚ʃኪf€  ̛ɨ 㕐 ϋ˾ٙ˄̚୵෰€ // 1907 1972 // Archives ̸ɨ 㕐˄̚୵෰ί ϋໝϓdɓٜЇ ϋ৾ ̛ɨ 㕐ጟᅀʫϞމᆄᘬձശᘬࡰʈʱйϾணٙ੖ ̸ۆމЇʦʥίٙ˄ୂ൑ɓ੭ɧᄸ˄̚ࡰʈ੖ٸf  Image©Swire Archives ༶ʘۃd̴ձጟᅀఢ֛ə㤚௡गਜٙʈุ׌ሯdΪމ ٸdۃ٫З׵ݡݖʆɪ༰Ⴣٙ৷ஈdܝ٫ۆၾ๪ጟᅀ €  ࡰʈᅰͦ଺εdʊϞʈุ۬ٙ஝ᅼf€ Image©Swire މቌdྡމ1925ϋጟᅀࡰʈ੖ٸf€ Image©Swire Archives Archives   007 | REmake 008 | REmake 009 | REmake 010 | REmake

The Art of Placemaking by Being Hong Kong - Page 4 The Art of Placemaking by Being Hong Kong Page 3 Page 5