KEY IMPACTS Well-designed spatial layouts and excellent connectivity Ways to enhance vibrancy include: can stimulate community interaction and bring high tra昀케c, thus enhancing the vibrancy of the community. Taikoo Hui • Human-oriented spatial layout; Guangzhou makes full use of the “agglomeration e昀昀ect” of urban • Well-designed public spaces and pedestrian system; development in several ways: by making the internal and urban space unimpeded, by developing a Vertical Walking system • Continuous community engagement, such as upgrading inside, thus connecting the city in multiple dimensions. In facilities and event planning. addition, a variety of arts and cultural events are regularly held at the development throughout the year, o昀昀ering the public greater access to the arts. Vibrancy Why do some communities thrive, while others stagnate? Vibrancy explores di昀昀erent factors such as walkability, vitality, cultural life, and the popularity and in昀氀uence of the Internet age. Swire Properties 15

The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou - Page 17 The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou Page 16 Page 18