2006 Subway line 3 Shipaiqiao 2010 station opened; Shipaiqiao’s station entrance D connects Guangzhou’s 昀椀rst Bus Rapid directly to the Taikoo Hui Transit system (BRT) was 2012 Guangzhou shopping mall. completed and is connected to Taikoo Hui Guangzhou via Taikoo Hui Guangzhou’s an underpass. o昀케ce towers were completed. 2007 Taikoo Hui Guangzhou project 2011 began construction. Taikoo Hui Guangzhou o昀케cially opened. The occupancy rate for the 180+ shops at opening was 100%, 70% of which were international famous brands, and about 70 brands entering Guangzhou for the 昀椀rst time. Hardware Software Swire Properties 9

The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou - Page 11 The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou Page 10 Page 12