• Solar photovoltaic power generation project: Taikoo Hui Guangzhou enabled the rooftop distributed photovoltaic power generation project, reducing carbon emissions and generating up to 76,000 kWh of electricity annually • The Taikoo Hui Guangzhou cloud- based intelligent energy management platform (EcoStruxure) has been built to enable real-time monitoring and analysis of system operating parameters and system performance evaluation indicators, and automatic testing of equipment. LEED GREEN BUILDING CERTIFICATION In 2012, both o昀케ce towers became the 昀椀rst projects in Guangzhou to achieve LEED Gold certi昀椀cation in the “Building Body and Envelope System” category. In 2017, the Taikoo Hui Guangzhou Shopping Mall and two o昀케ce towers were awarded LEED Platinum certi昀椀cation in the “Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance” category. And in 2022, the Mall and two o昀케ce towers were again awarded LEED Platinum certi昀椀cation in the “Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance” category. ROOF GARDEN PLANT DIVERSITY Roof gardens are planted with di昀昀erent species of trees and shrubs. The air-purifying and CO2-absorbing capacity of the greenery mitigates the greenhouse e昀昀ect, while the transpiration of the shade and green foliage produces a cooling e昀昀ect on the roof; thus reducing energy consumption and the building’s heat island e昀昀ect. Swire Properties 45