SPATIAL SCALE OF COMMERCIAL INNER STREET The cross-shaped inner street of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou is a space for public use, featuring an expansive area. Large and small atriums not only provide ample natural light for the inner street, but also enhance the ambience of the space, creating a high-quality public place for visitors. Public area ratio = public area/total area; The atrium dimension = atrium width/atrium height Public area hollowed out rate = atrium area/public area 35% 40% The atrium dimension: 0.58 L2 public area ratio L1 public area ratio The atrium dimension: 0.77 38% 29% L2 common area hollowing rate L1 common area hollowing rate The atrium dimension: 0.96 Atrium space satisfaction 56.04% 86% of 30.20% respondents were 13.48% satis昀椀ed or very 0.28% 0% satis昀椀ed with the atrium space. General Very Swire Properties 37

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