The four dimensions of place support Swire Properties’ SD 2030 Strategy – a comprehensive approach to managing its environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. The strategy sets out a number of ambitious targets for the Company’s global portfolio, including its science-based decarbonisation target. As a property developer, we recognise that the ultimate impact we have on society can be found in our Places. That is why “Places” sits at the heart of our SD 2030 Strategy. Wellbeing Resilience Taikoo Hui Guangzhou’s visitors have a In urban settings, resilience refers to a high degree of satisfaction with many community’s ability to respond to both sudden saying that their sense of connection with crises and long-term stressors. Throughout the the projectcomes from the “shopping COVID-19 pandemic, Taikoo Hui Guangzhou experience” as well as the “overall spatial has shown a high level of resilience, both and visual comfort”. economically and socially. In addition, the development’s critical infrastructure remains e昀케cient and resilient to acute and chronic climate changes through regular hardware upgrades and retro昀椀ts. Swire Properties 13