What makes a great place? This is our third Places Impact Report and we asked ourselves the same simple question: what are the qualities that help shape a healthy, vibrant and resilient place? We applied our “Places Impact Framework”, 昀椀rst developed in our inaugural report, to conduct an assessment of the impact of our placemaking and placekeeping e昀昀orts in Guangzhou. In this report, we focus on Taikoo Hui Guangzhou – a retail-led mixed-use development and our 昀椀rst comprehensive development in the Chinese Mainland. Following this research, we are more motivated than ever to create and maintain quality places that serve our communities and contribute to resilient cities. Find out more about @ swireproperties.com or get in touch: [email protected]

The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou - Page 58 The Creative Transformation of Taikoo Hui Guangzhou Page 57