“Considering the community, subway and Bus Rapid Transit The data analysis of 712 system, Taikoo Hui Guangzhou provides a pleasant indoor city visitors’ questionnaires shows street for customers and pedestrians in a humid hot and rainy that visitors have high satisfaction climate, with a large number of people entering the building with the walking environment and the from underground through a connecting corridor and going to comprehensiveness of the the building through vertical escalator connections.” signage system in Taikoo Hui Guangzhou. — Yang Yanwen, Chief architect of the Guangzhou Design Institute STREET LAYOUT DESIGN According to the “Urban Pedestrian and Bicycle transport System Planning Standards (GB/T51439-2021)” , the recommended density of the pedestrian network in a commercial dense area is 10~20km/km2. By calculation, the pedestrian network density of the Taikoo Hui Guangzhou block is 16.56km/km2. Therefore, Taikoo Hui Guangzhou has a good pedestrian network. With dedicated walking paths Schematic diagram of walking trails around Taikoo Hui Guangzhou Swire Properties 17