CORPORATE GOVERNANCE & SUSTAINABILITY SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The newly launched “GPP Academy” aimed Raised over HK$310,000 at Corporate to enhance office tenants’ sustainability Wellness Challenge: 8-Hour Charity Spin performance through curated learning Hong Kong experiences Hong Kong As at December 2023, 107 F&B tenants received Green and indoor golf. More than 550 office executives from Kitchen Awards in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland. 12 tenant companies took part in the “Corporate By installing energy-efficient and water-efficient kitchen Wellness Challenge: 8-Hour Charity Spin”. The event appliances and well-designed ventilation systems together raised over HK$310,000 for the InspiringHK Sports with proper waste recycling, these tenants have saved Foundation, of which HK$150,000 was donated by energy and water, reduced waste and improved the Swire Properties. kitchen environment. Performance (Environment) We collaborate with office tenants through our Green As a leading property developer, we are committed to Performance Pledge (“GPP”) in terms of fit-out and building and managing our developments sustainably. operations – to improve energy, water and waste performance. We aim to have 50% of office tenants sign Climate Change the GPP by 2025. As at December 2023, 90 tenants, In 2023, we continued to progress steadily towards our occupying 41% of office lettable floor area (“LFA”), have 1.5°C-aligned science-based targets, as part of our core signed up. GPP Award Presentation Ceremonies were held strategy to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. This year, in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland to celebrate we achieved a 29% absolute Scope 1 and 2 carbon participants’ achievements. We also launched the GPP reduction compared to the 2019 baseline for our global Academy in Hong Kong, a three-year collaboration with the portfolio. We continued to adopt innovative low-carbon Business Environment Council (“BEC”) that will feature technologies and management practices and invest in quarterly workshops to enhance tenants’ capabilities to energy research and development. improve sustainability performance. PROJECT AFTER 6 We continue to adopt a whole-lifecycle carbon management approach at our developments, We hosted eleven musicals for over 900 footfalls, including including the Company’s latest project, Taikoo Li Xi’an. tenants’ staff; and attracted over 8,000 footfalls during The project will employ low carbon construction 14 live music performances. materials and low-carbon energy use strategies to reduce emissions from construction to operations. Workout x Lunch Notably, the electrification of the space heating Over 200 participants from 59 tenant companies at Taikoo system and use of a low-carbon ground source heat Place took part in the fitness workshops which offered high pump system can provide up to 60% of the project’s intensity full-body workouts, core training, yoga, stretching annual heating demand. 132