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SWIRE PROPERTIES ANNUAL REPORT 2023 9. Directors’ and Executive Officers’ Emoluments (continued) (b) Five highest paid individuals The five individuals whose emoluments were the highest in the Group are as follows: Year ended 31st December 2023 2022 Number of individuals: Executive Directors (note (i)) 3 3 Executive Officers (note (ii)) 2 2 5 5 Notes: (i) Details of the emoluments paid to these Executive Directors are included in the disclosure set out in note 9(a) above. (ii) Details of the emoluments paid to the above executive officers are as follows. Year ended 31st December 2023 2022 HK$’000 HK$’000 Cash: Salary 5,901 5,626 Discretionary bonus (Note) 3,523 3,340 Allowance and benefits 714 676 Non-cash: Retirement scheme contributions 820 765 Housing and other benefits 6,723 4,899 17,681 15,306 Note: The bonuses disclosed above are related to services for the previous year. The number of the above Executive Officers whose emoluments fell within the following bands: Year ended 31st December 2023 2022 HK$10,000,001 – HK$10,500,000 1 – HK$8,500,001 – HK$9,000,000 – 1 HK$7,500,001 – HK$8,000,000 1 – HK$6,500,001 – HK$7,000,000 – 1 2 2 159

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