CORPORATE GOVERNANCE & SUSTAINABILITY SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Rolled out the fourth edition of the Provided on-site rental tableware “Sustainability We All Count” with a to reduce single-use plastic waste at new theme, “For Our Future” White Christmas Street Fair 2023 Hong Kong Hong Kong Sustainability We All Count – To reinforce our commitment to sustainable development, For Our Future the SPPA designed the Street Fair with innovative waste In December 2023, we launched the fourth iteration of reduction initiatives. These included on-site rental “Sustainability We All Count” featuring a new theme – tableware to reduce single-use plastic waste; digital “For Our Future”, to showcase Swire Properties’ three key coupons to minimise paper waste, and a water-soluble and SD dimensions: biodiversity, innovation, and wellbeing. biodegradable packaging for a souvenir. The year-long campaign calls for action and features In 2023, through careful planning in terms of the design stories of our SD endeavours and notable achievements, and event installations, the Street Fair achieved a waste and an array of engaging online and offline programmes diversion rate of 95% from landfills, up from 91% in 2022. to promote our vision in sustainability and commitment The event also supported the SCMP-led Operation Santa to fighting climate change. Claus – raising approximately HK$1 million this year and bringing the total amount raised over the past 11 years to Places over HK$9 million. Places are at the heart of, and central to, the achievement Quarryside Summer Fest of our SD 2030 Strategy. In August, we partnered with the Eastern District Office of Youth Engagement & White Christmas Home Affairs Department and St. James’ Settlement to Street Fair 2023 host the three-day “Quarryside Summer Fest”, the first In 2023, ten university students were mentored by Swire community festive event at Quarryside and one of the Properties’ senior management, industry experts and thought supporting events under the HKSAR Government’s leaders, as part of the Swire Properties Placemaking Academy “Happy Hong Kong” initiative. Free arts and cultural (“SPPA”). In addition, the new Placemaking Academy Junior activities were organised, and Swire Properties as the Programme was launched in the same year in collaboration Community Sponsor partnered with F&B outlets in the with the E-League Programme by the Eastern District Office district to provide exclusive offers. The event attracted of the Home Affairs Department. The university students approximately 4,500 people. designed, planned and executed the White Christmas Street Operated by St. James’ Settlement, Quarryside is a vibrant Fair 2023, which featured the theme “CHOCOLAND!”; while leisure space for community-led creative initiatives. It was the seven Junior Programme secondary school students launched in June 2023 and we provided consultancy created an interactive digital map, an original theme song support on the design, construction and operation for this and musical performances for the Street Fair. community space at Quarry Bay’s harbourfront. 128