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MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS FINANCIAL REVIEW Investment Appraisal and Performance Review Net Assets Employed Capital Commitments(1) 2023 2022 2023 2022 HK$M HK$M HK$M HK$M Property investment 300,678 293,752 24,823 27,402 Property trading 17,334 11,612 – – Hotels 6,816 5,841 392 552 Total net assets employed 324,828 311,205 25,215 27,954 Less: net debt (36,679) (18,947) Less: non-controlling interests (3,067) (3,047) Equity attributable to the Company’s shareholders 285,082 289,211 Return on Average Equity Equity Attributable to the Attributable to the Company’s Shareholders(2) Company’s Shareholders(2) 2023 2022 HK$M HK$M 2023 2022 Property investment 276,512 279,688 1.0% 2.9% Property trading 3,038 3,992 -4.8% 3.9% Hotels 5,532 5,531 -1.8% -6.0% Total 285,082 289,211 0.9% 2.7% (1) The capital commitments represent the Group’s capital commitments plus the Group’s share of the capital commitments of joint venture companies. (2) Refer to Glossary on page 223 for definitions. 80

Annual Report 2023 - Page 82 Annual Report 2023 Page 81 Page 83