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SCHEDULE OF PRINCIPAL GROUP PROPERTIES At 31st December 2023 Gross floor areas in square feet Hong Kong Chinese Mainland U.S.A. and Elsewhere Totals Held through Held through Held through Held through subsidiaries Held through other Held through other Held through other Held through and other subsidiaries companies subsidiaries companies subsidiaries companies subsidiaries companies Completed properties for investment Retail 2,321,585 223,903 4,597,709 1,621,358 496,508 – 7,415,802 9,261,063 Office 8,239,238 735,314 1,693,125 1,244,955 – – 9,932,363 11,912,632 Residential/Serviced apartment 555,551 – 157,180 73,662 – – 712,731 786,393 Hotels 358,371 435,770 872,034 467,442 – 258,750 1,230,405 2,392,367 11,474,745 1,394,987 7,320,048 3,407,417 496,508 258,750 19,291,301 24,352,455 Property developments for investment Retail – – – 2,079,324 – – – 2,079,324 Office 223,303 – – 1,524,077 – – 223,303 1,747,380 Residential/Serviced apartment 15,000 – – – – – 15,000 15,000 Hotels – – – 121,381 – – – 121,381 Under planning 779,000 – 2,936,376 1,672,454 1,510,000* – 5,225,376 6,897,830 1,017,303 – 2,936,376 5,397,236 1,510,000 – 5,463,679 10,860,915 Completed properties for sale Residential/Serviced apartment 5,608 – – – – 18,697 5,608 24,305 5,608 – – – – 18,697 5,608 24,305 Property developments for sale Retail 15,199 – – – – – 15,199 15,199 Residential/Mixed-use 795,266 379,576 – 463,623 1,073,000 2,057,758 1,868,266 4,769,223 810,465 379,576 – 463,623 1,073,000 2,057,758 1,883,465 4,784,422 13,308,121 1,774,563 10,256,424 9,268,276 3,079,508 2,335,205 26,644,053 40,022,097 * Brickell City Centre land is currently under planning. The site is included under “Properties held for development” in the financial statements. Notes: 1. All properties held through subsidiary companies are wholly-owned except for Island Place (60% owned), Chai Wan Inland Lot No. 178 (80% owned), Taikoo Hui, Guangzhou (97% owned), Taikoo Li Xi’an (70% owned) and Brickell City Centre (Retail: 62.93% owned). The above summary table includes the floor areas of these five properties in 100%. 2. “Other companies” comprise joint venture, associated companies and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. The floor areas of properties held through such companies are shown on an attributable basis. 3. Gross floor areas in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland exclude car parking spaces; there are about 9,498 completed car parking spaces in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland, which are held by subsidiaries and other companies for investment. 4. When a Hong Kong property is held under a renewable lease, the expiry date of the renewal period is shown. 5. All properties in the U.S.A. are freehold. 6. Gross floor areas for all properties in the U.S.A. represent saleable or leasable areas for completed and nearly completed properties, which exclude car parking spaces; there are about 1,976 completed car parking spaces held by subsidiaries and other companies for investment. 211

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