KEY BUSINESS STRATEGIES As a leading developer, owner and operator of mixed-use, principally commercial, properties in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland, our strategic objective is sustainable growth in shareholder value in the long term. To achieve this objective, we employ five strategies. 1. Create long-term value by conceiving, with a view to the long term, to maintain consistently designing, developing, owning and high levels of service and to enhance and reinforce managing transformational mixed-use our assets. By doing so, we believe that we will and other projects in urban areas maximise the occupancy and earnings potential of our properties. We will continue to design projects which we believe Tenants increasingly scrutinise the sustainable will have the necessary scale, mix of uses and transport development credentials of landlords and buildings. links to become key commercial destinations and to We aim to be at the forefront of sustainable transform the areas in which they are situated. development by designing energy efficient buildings through the innovative use of design, materials and 2. Maximise the earnings and value of our new technology, and by engagement with tenants and completed properties through active others with whom we do business. asset management and by reinforcing 3. Develop luxury and high quality our assets through enhancement, residential property activities redevelopment and new additions We manage our completed properties actively We will look to acquire appropriate sites for (including by optimising the mix of retail tenants and development of luxury and high quality residential early renewal negotiations with office tenants) and projects for trading and investment in the markets in which we operate. 24

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