Appendix F Joint Venture Partners and Contractors Control Guideline All Relevant Persons are required to take all reasonable steps to ensure that any individuals or companies (including contractors) hired to conduct business on behalf of Swire Properties and over which Swire Properties has direct control develop and implement anti-corruption policies consistent with the general principles of this Code. All such individuals or companies over which Swire Properties does not have direct control should be required contractually (and where not legally possible be appropriately encouraged) to develop and implement such policies as are appropriate to ensure compliance with the anti-bribery laws to which they are subject. All Relevant Persons are required to take all reasonable steps to ensure that any joint venture partners are informed of the anti-bribery principles of this Code and to encourage them to apply such principles in their conduct of business. Procedures for selecting joint venture partners 1. All Relevant persons are required to take all reasonable steps to inform joint venture partners of the anti-bribery principles of the Swire Code of Conduct and to encourage them to apply such principles in their conduct of business. 2. Before engaging new joint venture partners, where practicable, reasonable due diligence should be carried out on their background, track record and financial status. Procedures for selecting contractors 1. All Relevant Persons will prepare the pre-determined specifications / requirements / scope of services for the products / services required. 2. Invite tenders from contractors as appropriate. Exceptions should be duly approved by Chief Executive and documented. 3. Tenderers are evaluated based on their capability, financial strength, company structure and reputation. 4. Additional due diligence is performed by checking their current and former client references, as well as relevant work permits and licenses where applicable. 5. Prior to engagement of contractors, meet with tenderers and clearly communicate the Swire Properties Supplier Code of Conduct and operating principles. 6. For products or services specified in the Swire Properties Green Guidelines, the Company will follow the Guidelines wherever possible during the selection process. 7. Contract will be awarded to the tenderer which offers the best value for money, complies with the Company's Supplier Code of Conduct and meets our service standard. 8. Where appropriate, adhere to section 10 “Contract Procurement Process' of the Swire Properties Project Manual.

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