Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview CClimlimaattee Waste Water People Communities In addition to investments already made by our businesses, we are implementing Total GHG emissions (scope 1 and 2) by division 2022 Property e) Beverages (thousand tonnes CO two key tools to 昀椀nance and accelerate 2 emissions reduction. Since 2019, our Aviation Scope 1 9.9 Scope 2 186.0 Trading & Industrial HK$100 million Sustainable Development fund has supported trials of innovative Marine Services green technology solutions, with a view Scope 1 79.8 Scope 2 278.2 to accelerating their adoption at scale. In 2022, the Board approved a hybrid model Internal Carbon Pricing (ICP) which will be piloted in 2023. Read more in Looking Scope 1 15.2 Scope 2 43.5 Forward in the Climate section. Carbon removal and veri昀椀ed carbon Scope 1 6.2 Scope 2 21.1 o昀昀sets will form part of our strategy, particularly in aviation where low-carbon solutions are not yet available at scale. But Scope 1 9.3 Scope 2 0.1 our priority is to reduce our absolute GHG emissions as much as we can 昀椀rst. Group performance: scope 1 and 2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 emissions The Group generated 649,000 tonnes of scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions in 2022, a Scope 2 GHG emissions by division Property 11% decrease from 2021. The Beverages Beverages (thousand tonnes CO e) and Property divisions accounted for 2 Aviation more than 80% of the Group’s emissions Trading & Industrial in 2022. Swire Properties absolute GHG Marine Services emissions decreased by 1%, while Swire 2.8 2.7 Coca-Cola’s emissions decreased by 37 28 2.6 0.1 8%. Swire Properties has implemented 57 55 23 1.4 21 275 267 47 24 44 energy saving measures into their HVAC 205 218 273 44 278 system of their Hong Kong portfolio, set 204 256 186 187 strict control for the circulation pumps of the heat-pump system at Taikoo Li Sanlitun, Beijing, and decreased electricity usage for HKRI Taikoo Kui and Taikoo Hui Guangzhou. Swire Coca-Cola has procured renewable energy in Chinese mainland, and commenced numbers of solar PV installation projects for the sales and 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 distribution centers in the US. The emissions of our Aviation division and Trading & Industrial division decreased by decrease of 5% from 2021. This is largely 5% and 6% respectively compared with contributed by the improvement in Further reading 2021. This was in part due to COVID-19 energy e昀케ciency in Chinese Mainland for Climate Change Policy related reductions in business activity, the Beverages division. Reporting Methodology reduced 昀氀eet size, replacement of old machineries and its components to The Group generated 649,000 tonnes of GHG emissions in 2022, a 11% improve the production e昀케ciency. For full details of the scope of our data, decrease from 2021. Explore more please see our Reporting methodology. Our Approach Electricity consumption is our largest 11% source of GHG emissions. We used almost 900 million kilowatt-hours of electricity in 2022 and generated 529 thousand tonnes of indirect (scope 2) emissions, a SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 26