Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview CClimlimaattee Waste Water People Communities Swire Coca-Cola partnered with Tsinghua Progress towards 2030 target University to install more energy e昀昀ective Absolute scope 1 and 2 (thousand tonnes CO e) compressed air and chilling systems at 2 its Jinqiao Shanghai plant. In 2022, the 782 completion of the project resulted in a 734 610 saving of 2.6 million kWh of electricity. 560 In the Chinese Mainland, it has identi昀椀ed energy e昀케ciency projects that could 344 save 8,810 MWh per year and earmarked a budget of over RMB 30 million to cut its energy usage per litre of product produced by 5% in 2023. 100% of its 2018 (Baseline) 2020 2021 2022 2030 2050 bottling plants are certi昀椀ed ISO 14001. Performance Targets 2030 target energy e昀케cient models. In 2022, Swire Renewable energy Properties continued to optimise Shifting our energy mix to renewable By 2030, we aim to reduce our scope 1 heating, ventilating, and air conditioning sources is a crucial part of our and 2 emissions by 50%, compared with decarbonisation strategy. We encourage 2018 levels. In 2022, we achieved a 19% systems, installed high-e昀케ciency chillers, our businesses to explore opportunities to reduction compared to our baseline. and conducted energy-saving retro昀椀ts across its properties. Approximately generate and purchase more renewable Based on our 2030 projections, we electricity (RE). Swire Properties and Swire surpassed our 8.9% target reduction 86% of its assets (by gross 昀氀oor area) in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland are Coca-Cola have set RE targets. for 2022. certi昀椀ed to the ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 More than 22 million kWh of electricity standards for environmental and energy was generated from renewable sources management. at Swire Properties, Swire Coca-Cola Energy e昀케ciency As the cost of electricity rises, making our Swire Properties continues to roll out a and HAECO in 2022, representing a 7% buildings and operations more energy cloud-based smart energy management increase from 2021. platform across all its properties in Hong Swire Coca-Cola is investing in solar e昀케cient is a priority. Kong and the Chinese Mainland. Originally photovoltaic (PV) systems on its sites in developed with Schneider Electric as Hong Kong, Mainland China and in the a recipient of the Group’s Sustainable US, and purchasing RE from electricity Designing e昀케cient buildings Development Fund, the platform uses retailers and utilities. In the Chinese Our Sustainable Building Design the Internet of Things, big data analysis, Policy requires new and substantially Mainland, four more facilities secured arti昀椀cial intelligence, and cloud computing renovated buildings to obtain the o昀昀site RE agreements this year. Its to generate energy saving insights and plants in Yunnan, Hangzhou, Hubei and highest or, as a minimum, the second optimise energy consumption. This year, highest international or local building Wenzhou now operate using 100% RE. the platform identi昀椀ed opportunities to Its Guangxi and Anhui plants use a partial environmental certi昀椀cation. achieve a 50% reduction in energy use RE mix. At its Hong Kong plant, a newly At the end of 2022, 94% of Swire from air handling units serving the central installed rooftop PV system generates 31 Properties’ wholly-owned existing link bridge at Cityplaza, Hong Kong. MWh per year. In the US, the Sustainable buildings have been certi昀椀ed as green Swire Properties’ hotels use solar energy Development Fund will co-fund the buildings. Of these, 98% have achieved to heat up water in their kitchens, and installation of rooftop solar PV panels the highest ratings. 100% of its wholly- have induction cookers, variable speed at Swire Coca-Cola’s plant in Draper, owned projects under development have controls for kitchen exhaust fans, head Utah, which are expected to generate achieved green building certi昀椀cation recovery functions for gas cooking stoves, 4,500 MWh/year. In 2022, 21% of Swire ratings. Swire Coca-Cola has 昀椀ve LEED and electric conveyor dishwashers to Coca-Cola’s total electricity use was from certi昀椀ed bottling plants in the Chinese renewable sources. Mainland and the US. maximise kitchen energy e昀케ciency. At East Hong Kong, the completion of a decorative lighting replacement scheme Energy saving measures will reduce energy consumption from guest room lighting by 60%. Across the Group, we continued to upgrade our lighting, cooling, boiler, Four Swire Coca-Cola plants and and refrigeration systems to more Further reading three Swire Properties developments use 100% RE. Sustainable Building Design Policy HAECO has installed one of the largest PV systems in Hong Kong. SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 27

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