Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview CClimlimaattee Waste Water People Communities Swire Properties procures 100% renewable electricity for Taikoo Hui, Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu and The Temple House. At the end of 2022, its mix of renewable electricity in the Chinese Mainland stands at about 39%. One of Swire Properties’ 2025 KPIs is to generate 4-6% of the landlord’s building energy from renewable or clean energy sources in selected new o昀케ce developments. At Two Taikoo Place, it is installing solar PV panels, a wind turbine, and a waste-to-energy tri-generation system, which we estimate will supply renewable energy equivalent HAECO’s PV system at HKIA consists of approximately 6,000 solar panels. to approximately 6% of the landlord’s building energy. Case study HAECO – Completion of one of Hong Kong’s largest solar projects Low-carbon and energy e昀케cient products and materials This year, HAECO completed the tonnes of CO e per year, equivalent to 2 Since 2020, Swire Properties has installation of one of Hong Kong’s planting more than 48,000 trees. included low-carbon procurement largest solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. The array is situated on Surplus power generated by the speci昀椀cations – developed in accordance the rooftop of HAECO’s aircraft HAECO system will be sold to the local with international standards such as ISO 14067 – for construction materials such maintenance hangar No. 2 and 3 at the power companies under the Hong Hong Kong International Airport. With as concrete with pulverised fuel ash or Kong Government’s “Feed-in Tari昀昀” a total capacity of 3 megawatts, it is scheme with part of the income being ground granulated blast furnace slag, estimated that the system will result used to support WWF-Hong Kong. rebar, and structural steel with recycled in an emissions reduction of 1,000 content. It is the 昀椀rst real estate developer in Hong Kong to contractually require low- carbon building materials for new projects and is exploring extending this practice to its developments in the Chinese Mainland. Proportion of electricity consumed from renewable sources In 2022, six of its buildings won the “GBA Low Carbon Buildings Top 100 Award”, (million kWh) presented by the Greater Bay Area Carbon 952 903 Neutrality Association. 893 In Hong Kong, all new Swire Coca-Cola trucks use B7 biodiesel and comply with Euro VI emission standards. HAECO Total electricity used by the Group completed the upgrading of a fuel station Total RE generated on our sites Total RE procured to cater for the use of Biodiesel (B5). % electricity used by the Group These fuels are produced from waste that was from renewable sources cooking oil, animal fat, and other oils which can signi昀椀cantly reduce emissions. During 2022, HAECO replaced 60% of its 20.7 21 22 16.8% traditional diesel use to biodiesel in its 11.5 3.6% 103 13.0% 126 mini fuel station in Hong Kong. Combined 2020 2021 2022 with the use of Hong Kong International Airport’s airside fuelling station, Biodiesel represented 48% of HAECO’s Hong Kong 昀氀eet fuel consumption. SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 28