Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview CClimlimaattee Waste Water People Communities Our emissions by scope 13 15 scope 1 1.5% scope 3 12 91.9% 11 scope 2 6.6% 7 5 6 4 3 2 1 Breakdown of value chain emissions by category 1 Purchased goods and services 34.1% 5 Waste generation 0.4% 12 End-of-life treatment of sold products <0.1% 2 Capital goods 1.1% 6 Business travel 0.1% 13 Downstream leased assets 16.3% 3 Fuel- and energy-related activities 7 Employee commuting 0.2% 15 Investments 33.0% (not included in scope 1 or 2) 1.5% 11 Use of sold products 11.0% 4 Upstream transportation 2.3% In Taiwan, Swire Coca-Cola’s Cold Drink Using 2022 data, our total scope 3 GHG space, identifying potential annual energy Equipment (CDE) team innovated a emissions is 7,381 thousand tonnes CO e. savings of 9.1 million kWh. It also procures 2 technology to retro昀椀t old CDE models to We identi昀椀ed value chain emissions from 100% renewable electricity for Taikoo Hui make them compatible with eco-friendly purchased goods and services (34%), in Guangzhou and Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li refrigerants. They are working with investments (33%), downstream leased Chengdu, and continues to look for other customers to transition all their CDE to assets (16%), and use of sold products opportunities to secure 100% RE for other use eco-friendly refrigerants by 2025. This (11%) as material. operations. is expected to reduce more than 1,030 Swire Paci昀椀c has a signi昀椀cant interest Embodied carbon in capital goods is tonnes of CO equivalent emissions. 2 in Cathay Paci昀椀c, and accounts for a a major source of emissions for Swire proportion of its GHG emissions under Properties. It uses software tools to Group performance: scope 3 our scope 3. This proportion is equivalent incorporate low-carbon considerations emissions to the Group’s shareholding interest in at the project design stage, sets the company. procurement speci昀椀cations for carbon More than 90% of our GHG emissions intensive key materials, and works with occur outside our direct operations. We do contractors to source these materials not control these assets and activities, but Decarbonising our chain and optimise energy management on its through our decisions and relationships Swire Properties has established science- construction sites. we can work to reduce material scope 3 based reduction targets to reduce the emissions. Emissions from packaging and the emissions generated by capital goods electricity consumed by its cold drinks In 2022, we conducted a mapping and downstream leased assets, its two equipment (CDE) accounts for around 60% exercise to identify material sources most signi昀椀cant categories of scope 3 of Swire Coca-Cola’s total value chain of emissions in our investments and in emissions, by 25% and 28% per square emissions. the value chains of our businesses. All metre respectively by 2030. scope 3 categories were assessed to To meet its 2030 target, Swire Coca- understand what is important, applying Tenant electricity consumption accounts Cola needs to reduce its emissions from for 50% of its total building energy packaging by increasing its recycled a materiality threshold de昀椀ned as 5% of consumption. Swire Properties helps content and promoting post-consumption total scope 3 emissions, and in accordance tenants to reduce their electricity use recovery and recycling. Since 2021, it has with the Corporate Value Chain (scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard. by o昀昀ering free energy audits. Since used 100% recycled PET for Bonaqua Primary data was supplemented with 2008, free energy audits have covered water bottles in Hong Kong. In 2022, secondary data when necessary. 5.8 million square metres of commercial SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 29

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