Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview AAsssseesssisinngg m matateerriaiallitityy Stakeholder engagement Materiality matrix H G I H t en m n o r i v en e h t Environment d an Social y t Governance e i c o s n o t c Impa W O L LOW HIGH Impact on enterprise value Assessing impact the 昀椀nancial impact is signi昀椀cant (e.g. To assess the impact on society and Energy use, GHG emissions and renewable Explore more energy), or it could indicate an emerging the environment, we evaluated (a) the issue where we may need to strengthen SwireTHRIVE likelihood that each sustainability issue’s our policies and practices to reduce our potential or actual impact might happen vulnerability (e.g. Biodiversity, Public in the next 3 to 5 years, and (b) the health and Employee wellbeing). Detailed severity if it happens and its impact on stakeholder feedback is analysed and the environment, economy, and people in insights from the materiality assessment terms of scale, scope, and remediability or exercise are shared with the leadership irreversibility. team and relevant departments. Scores for impact on enterprise value How the Group impacts on society and (x-axis) consider both vulnerability the environment through our material and impact. A high score may re昀氀ect topics is described under SwireTHRIVE. areas where we already have robust This includes any impacts to be mitigated management controls in place but where and topics on which we generate value for our stakeholders, and which may in昀氀uence the decision making of our providers of capital. SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 71

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