Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview AAsssseesssisinngg m matateerriaiallitityy Stakeholder engagement Material topics The table below shows the twelve material issues identi昀椀ed, their de昀椀nitions and the GRI Standards we reference, where applicable. Topic Topic de昀椀nition Material impact GRI reference Own Upstream operations Downstream ENVIRONMENTAL Energy use, GHG Energy e昀케ciency of both direct and indirect energy • • • GRI 302 Energy emissions and consumed and GHG emissions produced in the GRI 305 Emissions renewable energy company business operations and production processes, including transport. The use of and investment in renewable energy sources, which helps decrease emissions. Waste and e昀툀uents Implementation of a systematic and life-cycle • • • GRI 306 E昀툀uents and approach to identify, manage, reduce, and waste responsibly dispose of or recycle e昀툀uents and waste, and shall assess all stages: manufacturing, sale, use and end-of-life; including food and packaging. Climate resilience The ability to prepare for and recover from physical • • GRI 201-2 Financial and other climate risks and transition climate impacts (e.g., extreme weather events, 昀氀ooding of roads and buildings, heatwaves that a昀昀ect workers, carbon pricing, stakeholder expectations for action, etc.) in the regions of operations and distribution. Management of water Implementation of a systematic approach to • • • GRI 303 Water resources conserve, reduce use of, and reuse water in company operations and supply chain, and to stimulate water conservation within its sphere of in昀氀uence and contribute to water positivity. Biodiversity Businesses dependency on biodiversity for their • • GRI 304 Biodiversity inputs and the ecosystem services they provide. The impacts on local ecosystems through the consumption of raw materials and land use, especially where operations are sited in biologically sensitive areas. SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 72

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