Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices Overview AAsssseesssisinngg m matateerriaiallitityy Stakeholder engagement Topic Topic de昀椀nition Material impact GRI reference Own Upstream operations Downstream SOCIAL Changing consumer The impact of consumer purchasing decisions • N/A preferences on business, which is increasingly driven by sustainability values (e.g. rejection of plastic packaging, reduction in consumption), and meeting consumer needs through the development and o昀昀ering of sustainable products and services (e.g. alternative materials, circularity, zero waste, and low emissions lifestyles). Talent recruitment and Providing opportunities to promote professional • GRI 401 Employment retention growth and learning among new and existing GRI 404 Training and employees, and matching employee skills with the education needs of the business, to remain an employer of choice and retain key talent. Public health Public health and acute public health events • • • N/A including pandemics may disrupt business operations and supply chains, change consumer behaviour, and have physical and psychological impacts to employees. Employee wellbeing The part of an employee’s overall well-being • GRI 403 Occupational health and safety (physical and psychological) that they perceive to be determined primarily by work and can be in昀氀uenced by workplace interventions Diversity, inclusion and E昀昀orts to ensure that the company workforce (at all • GRI 405 Diversity and non-discrimination levels, including board) re昀氀ects not only the global equal opportunity business strategy in terms of R&D, operations and GRI 406 Non- customer base, but also re昀氀ects the diversity of discrimination the workforce pool in the countries of operation. A commitment to a workforce free of unlawful discrimination involving any distinction, exclusion, or preference that has the e昀昀ect of nullifying equality of treatment or opportunity, and where that consideration is based on prejudice rather than a legitimate ground. GOVERNANCE Cybersecurity, privacy Mitigation, response, and disclosure measures • • GRI 418 Customer and data protection with respect to matters involving cybersecurity privacy risk and incidents, including cybersecurity policies and procedures and the application of disclosure controls and procedures. Approaches to the way employee and consumer data is captured, stored and transferred in a secure manner. Anti-corruption, Commitment to comply with voluntary and • GRI 205 Anticorruption business ethics / fair mandatory regulatory frameworks that are global in GRI 206 Anti- business practices, and scope, as well as established local laws, regulations, competitive behaviour compliance standards, and ethical business practices that GRI 419 Socioeconomic apply to the organisation including: promoting compliance competitive behaviour; preventing anti-competitive practices; complying with regulatory authorities; working against corruption, extortion, and bribery SWIRE PACIFIC — SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 — 73

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