Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE About our report Other ESG disclosures Appendices OvOveerrvivieeww Chairman’s statement From our Dept. Heads INTRODUCTION Overview Swire Paci昀椀c Limited (Swire Paci昀椀c or the We have published sustainability reports Group) is a Hong Kong-based international since 2007. This report deals with our Explore more conglomerate with a diversi昀椀ed portfolio approach and performance in the 昀椀ve of market leading businesses. This report areas of our sustainable development More about Swire Paci昀椀c covers its subsidiaries in four divisions strategy, SwireTHRIVE (Climate, Waste, Other ESG disclosures (Property, Beverages, Aviation, and Water, People, and Communities) and Trading & Industrial). In April 2022, Swire with secondary environmental, social, and About this report Paci昀椀c completed the disposal of Swire governance (ESG) topics that have been How we identify material topics Paci昀椀c O昀昀shore, so ceasing operations in identi昀椀ed as material. the marine services business. Data for this This report was published in April operating company is included up until the 2023. It is additional to the Sustainable date of sale. Operating companies which it does not control are excluded. Its business Development Review in the Swire Paci昀椀c activities are predominantly in Greater Annual Report 2022. Key performance China, where it has been established for data has been independently assured over 150 years. by Deloitte. Sustainable development is a core principle for the Group. We invest in sustainable development because it is the right thing to do, and because it supports the creation of long-term shareholder value through innovation and improved e昀케ciency. SSSWIWIWIRRREEE P P PAAACCCIIIFFFICICIC ——— SSSUUUSSSTTTAAAIIINNNAAABLEBLEBLE D D DEEEVVVEEELLLOOOPPPMMMEEENTNTNT R R REEEPPPOOORTRTRT 222000222222 ——— 2 2 2